Monday 31 October 2011

Primer Salto Literario por Andrés Hernández : "Dublinesca" De Enrique Vila-Matas

Este fue el primer salto a la literatura que di durante mis vacaciones en las Islas Canarias. Era el momento perfecto para empezar a leer un regalo que me hizo mi padre hace algún tiempo junto con otras cosillas que no vienen al caso.

Volviendo al primer salto literario, este libro maravilloso me dejó realmente conmocionado por la manera como relata la historia más que la historia en sí misma. Se trata de un viejo editor llamado Samuel Riba que se encuentra en el final de su vida y de su carrera. Sin dinero, olvidado por el mundo de los escritores, editores y artistas decide convertirse en un “hikikomori” (aquellos que sufren de un aislamiento social agudo tras los ordenadores, internet y video juegos online)… En un anacoreta, amargado, gruñón y malhumorado viejo solitario que tras haber dejado el alcohol y los encuentros sociales con el mundo del arte. La bebida la deja por razones de salud y no por su propio gusto.
Su amada y paciente mujer Celia es su piedra angular que lo mantiene vivo y bajo estrictas condiciones para evitar su recaída al alcoholismo. En el fondo ella siente mucha tristeza por él y por su manera de vivir tan desgraciada e inundada de autocompasión.

Un viaje a Lyon para dar una conferencia a la que nunca apareció porque se sintió mal atendido al no haber nadie a su espera en el aeropuerto lo hizo encerrarse en un cuarto de hotel. Allí en medio de su soledad se dedica por un momento a escribir una teoría literaria que luego el mismo destruye porque siempre ha odiado los pretensiosos que la escriben. A su regreso de aquel fatídico viaje donde da vida y por último asesina a su teoría literaria visita a sus padres, los cuales le interrogan sobre lo que ha acaecido durante su estancia en Lyon. Con rabia decide no contar lo que sucede pero se le ocurre inventarse un viaje a Dublín para dar un salto literario al mundo anglosajón y dejar a un lado las tendencias literarias francesas que empieza a repudiar por saturación.

Prepara el viaje y convence a sus amigos a acudir al día de “Bloomsday” haciéndolo acercarse de lleno a los literatos irlandeses como James Joyce y su obra Ulises, Beckett y Yates. En aquel viaje decide que debe encontrar aquel autor maravilloso que nunca pudo editar.

Después de este viaje regresa a Barcelona y decide que debe volver a Dublín en busca de este escritor genial que no logró conocer durante su carrera. Alquilan un viejo apartamento en Royal Canal, que fue uno de los sitios donde vivimos en Dublín mi mujer y yo. (Para hacerles una idea de este sitio, está lleno de pubs de mala muerte, las palomas caen del cielo electrocutadas cuando se posan en el cableado eléctrico y por supuesto no falta la población de mujeres en pijama que van de compras al supermercado Tesco).

En el cementerio de “Glasnevin” cercano una figura que le recuerda la imagen de Samuel Beckett cuando era joven, el cual descubre que era un chaval de la zona llamado Malachy Moore, a quien matan semanas después en circunstancias desconocidas. Por cuestiones del destino y de la vida, Ribas recae en el alcohol (muy fácilmente se caen en malos vicios en esta ciudad de perdición y pecado… No lo culpo) y termina acudiendo al entierro del chaval desconocido con aspecto de escritor después de que Celia decide abandonarlo para siempre. El funeral es entre otras el ritual para enterrar la era de Gutenberg, o sea la era de la imprenta la cual sería reemplazada por un libro online gigantesco llamado internet.
Tiene un final abierto y deja unas horas pensativo. Hace muchas referencias a autores, escritores y artistas que desconozco. Como les he dicho anteriormente, no soy un gran conocedor de la literatura, pero nunca es tarde para involucrarse un poco… Cuando el trabajo lo permite.
Frases que me inspiraron:

“Todo ser humano lleva dentro de sí una cierta cantidad de odio hacia sí mismo, es algo que tiene que ser transferido a otra persona, y a quien puedes transferirlo mejor es a la persona que amas”.

Esta frase es cruda y es muy real… Por eso el abuelo de Belén le decía a ella cuando era chica: “Quien bien te quiere te hará llorar”.

“No existen amistades sino momentos de amistad”.

Para terminar les comento: si son amantes de la literatura pura y dura, este libro les encantará. Como he dicho anteriormente, lo importante no es la historia sino la manera como la escribe que es bellísima. El personaje de Riba es para mi gusto detestable pero a la vez lo llegas a entender y a amar. Porque en el fondo, todos somos un poco como él.

Escrito y redactado por Andrés Hernández

Sunday 30 October 2011

Un salto a la Literatura Popular Española de Andrés Hernández

Esto de los blogs no es nada nuevo para mí. Es más, no sé cuántas veces he intentado empezar un blog pero luego lo olvido, pierdo la contraseña para actualizarlo y lo dejo como suelo dejar muchas cosas cuando pierdo el interés, siendo esta una de mis grandes debilidades. Siempre he sido caprichoso, lo sé… Y por eso me da por explorar mundos nuevos, situaciones nuevas, colores, matices, sentimientos de una manera tan intensa que me hace llegar al punto del repudio y rechazo. Cuando me colmo de tanto de lo mismo me aburro y lo dejo para explorar un poco de otra cosa que se me pasa por la cabeza. Raras veces persisto en algo y cuando lo hago es porque realmente me apasiona, como la obsesión de aprender a tocar el violín. Me encanta el hecho te tener un instrumento tan cerca el cual siento que es una extensión de mis extremidades, con las cuales saco notas musicales a veces melodiosas… A veces estridentes… Pero siempre con mucho sentimiento.

Para no hacer más larga esta introducción a la intromisión del blog de mi amada, todo empezó cuando le hice la propuesta indecente de usar su blog para escribir breves y esporádicos artículos sobre un pequeño salto a la literatura popular que di hace poco en Fuerteventura. Creo que desde que terminé la carrera y el máster en derecho internacional (el máster lo usé como excusa para aprender Alemán, lengua que me apasiona tanto como el violín) no leía tanto. Y es que lamentablemente el trabajo nos corta las alas para hacer volar la imaginación, para explorar ese mundo literario de tantas oportunidades, cuyo objetivo es trasladarnos a sitios maravillosos que sólo estos seres especiales llamados escritores nos pueden deleitar con el poder de la palabra. Como Belén siempre me dice, su objetivo del blog no es ni más ni menos para no olvidar los momentos felices que pasamos cuando algo nos impacta. Es para el futuro, para no olvidar lo que hemos visto, hecho, vivido, leído… Y todo se relaciona con una sola cosa: el arte en todas sus formas. Esta separata esporádica del blog de Belén no es más que para nosotros mismos y para el reencuentro futuro con nuestro pasado. Para dejar un legado y no olvidar que hemos vivido... Que nos hemos divertido muchísimo.

Escrito por Andrés Hernández G.

Very good Spanish movie: Mientras Duermes (2011)- Sleep Tight

Hace tiempo que tenia ganas de ir al cine a ver una película española ya que en Dublín no es tan fácil conseguir este simple propósito y es algo que echo de menos. Bueno, tuvimos la suerte de encontrar en nuestras vacaciones en Fuerteventura (por cierto, buen cine en la Caleta de Fuste)este excelente thriller títulado: "Mientras Duermes" , el que tan sólo fue estrenada el 14 de Octubre. Sabiendo que el protagonista es Luis Tosar,uno de los mejores actores españoles del momento, para mi, el que suele hacer de malo , malísimo, ya te da la pista de que no va a ser una película romática y de que él no va a ser el príncipe azul. No te voy a contar mucha para no estropear la emoción, sólo decirte que el argumento es sencillo, un tanto macabro pero no tan lejano de la realidad. Luis hace de portero de un edificio con llaves a todos los apartamentos, a simple vista parece un portero cualquiera pero no , es un portero que no es feliz y su obsesión en la vida es si él no es feliz, hacer infeliz a la gente que parece serlo. Te aseguro que la noche después de ver esta película,tanto Andrés como yo tuvimos pesadillas y ninguno de los dos nos atreviamos a mirar debajo de la cama jjajaja.Mis personajes favoritos de la película: el portero y la niña vecina, si ya sé me atraen los malos, suelen ser más interesantes jeje. Mi escena más miedosa, la de las cucarachas porque yo misma les tengo fobia aunque para otros puede ser una escena más pero es que yo veo una y salto por las paredes! Vamos que es una película que te marcará pero también la querrás olvidar para poder conciliar el sueño!! Y lo peor es que nosotros tenemos portero en nuestro edificio JAJAJA, yo por si acaso no le sonrio a partir de ahora para que no piense que soy feliz! Amantes del cine español, de una historia original, sin ciencia ficción , ni finales predecibles,no os perdáis esta película!Ah! no veáis el trailer que os cuenta media película!! Yo detesto los trailers que te cuentan casi todo, por eso no os lo he puesto, yo fui sin saber nada y así es más impactante!

Nutcracker ballet at the Convention Centre(October 2011)

We had the pleasure to see the ballet from Moscow performing this 2 acts ballet based on E.T.A. Hoffmann´s story "The nutcracker and the mouse king" at the Convention Centre in Dublin, 2 weeks ago. We were even luckier to be seated on the first row where we could hear even the noise of the dancer´s feet when dancing and moving around! Priceless! They did not have an expensive production, very simple one but just what it was needed, pure raw talent with no need of extra decorations. I have to say that this is my second favourite ballet so far after the Swan Lake both performed by Russian dancers, one thing is clear, Russians have a special gift to dance classic ballet. The audience of the nutcracker was full of families and the reason is simple, this ballet can also appeal the younger audience since it´s based on a kid´s story. It´s very appealing: The costumes ,colours and smilie faces of the dancers (by the way, with a majority of female dancers, even wearing wigs as men)who danced also mixed with a touch of comedy and of course to have as a setting the new and modern Convention Centre,is also a plus, soundwise. Even if you have never seen this ballet live,i´m sure that you have listened to some of the pieces belonging to the well-known composer: Tchaikovsky. All the dancers were very good but the ones that draw my attention specially were: The main dancer that you could see that was in his 40ies, playing the godfather, the one playing the harlequim and the main female dancer, what a delicacy and beauty in her moves (Andres couldn´t stop shouting "guapa, guapa" at the end of the performance. I´m not going to tell you anythingelse, I only want to recommend you to go and see it if you have the chance and if you want to introduce your kids to the world of ballet , this would be a great opportunity. For 2 hours you will be transported to another world and you will forget about everything and smile all the way! This is the main reason why i don´t mind spending money on culture!

IF you are still wondering what is this ballet about watch this video:

Monday 17 October 2011

Melacanholia (2011) - Very Aesthetic, but not for everyone..

I still have mixed feelings about this non-conventional and unique film. One thing is undeniable, it´s different, it´s very aesthetic, it has a great photography and there is no other film with similar dialogues, scenes or plot. I´m still not sure about some parts of it, i think every person that sees this movie may have a different interpretation of it, which is actually a good thing because this means the film made you think after it ended and it´s the type of film that you will not forget so easily. Kirsten Dust plays an excellent role and her beauty and delicacy is a big part of it (love the scene when she imitate´s Ofelia in the water), she is the centre of the most beautiful photographic shots in the film. I´m a big fan of her since "Interview with the Vampire". You cannot leave aside the fact, that the director, Lars von Trier is Danish and he´s not a very conventional one, sometimes you feel like in a museum watching an exhibition of beautiful images and other times you get lost in the witty dialogues. So from all what i have written above, i can say that it was not a waste of time for me but i´m still not sure, i think i would have shorten the film, it was too long and at the end you just want the planet "Melancholia" to explode and kill them all to be able to go home lol (MAybe it as me because i was a bit sleepy and I had to concentrate to understand what was going on from the beginning to the end, not sure). I´d recommend you to go and judge for yourself, it´s not a film for everyone, either you will love it or you will hate it or even you may be like me that after 7 days of having watched this film, i´m still not sure whether i liked it or not. One thing I liked about the film: The beginning, very intriguing and beautiful and another thing i liked was the end. Not sure if i helped much with my humble review but this is the way this film made me feel.

The change-up (2011) - Do not waste your time..

Yeah another cinema day where i did not want to make any effort to understand a difficult story and i only wanted to be entertained. Well, I found the non-complicated story, the problem was that ,it was a mere copy of one of those 80ies movies where personalities were exchanged and one swapped the life of the other keeping the other´s body and then they try to get their lives back and I have seen already many of those. It had some funny moments (such as the scene with Jason B. and his twins in the kitchen) but only a few, the funniest ones came from Jason Bateman (he is by the way, one of my t.v. serie´s "platonic love" , when I was a teenager!) but i did not find it even entertain me, too simple, not a hint of originality. So no, do not waste your time if you wanted to go and see it, if you are one day at home and it´s that day on t.v. and you do not have anythingelse to do then have a go, otherwise it´s one of those American commercial forgettable movies that you can live without seeing it.

Sunday 9 October 2011

Crazy Stupid Love (2011): Good movie to have a laugh!

2 good reasons to see this movie: To see how funny Steve Carell is and to see Ryan Gosling´s Abs (he is just fab lol). The plot is about a married man,Carl (played by Steve) having a crisis in his marriage and having to start over again, in conjuction with 2 other love stories (3 different relationships, of 3 diff generations). Womanizer, Jacob (played by Ryan G.), pities Carl, when he sees him at a night club after his wife breaks up with him and he decides to help him to get a new style and to start dating women again and they actually become mates and at a later stage "almost family" lol (i ain´t telling no more..). Carl´s first attempt will be with Marisa Tomei LOL gee she is funny, too!! My fav moments from the movie are actually the ones in which she comes up LOL "she is an alcoholic " LOL ;the arshole scene at the school LOL or the scene with all fighting in the garden lol. Julianne Moore plays an excellent role as middle-aged woman having a crisis having an affair with Kevin Bacon,playing her work colleague ; the kid playing her son is very good too. So to sum up, if you have one of those days when you don´t want to think much and you only want to be entertained in the cinema with a very easy story to follow, this is the movie to watch, i can guarantee you that you will smile! We liked it! I´m a fan of Steve Carell, he always makes me no surprises there!

Thursday 6 October 2011

Chucho Valdez and the Messengers concert (National Concert Hall, Dublin)

No doubt why the Cuban musician Chucho has won 4 grammy awards! To be honest I went to this concert because I got it as a birthday present, I did not have the pleasure to know this genious Cuban Jazz pianist before. So thank you very much to Allan,Francesco,Marta and Albert for this wonderful present! It was just what i needed after a long day at work! Not only Chucho but also the messengers (5 musicians) and his daughter made the night! What a positive energy full of improvisation, instruments with original melodies and rythms that i had not heard before, dance and clean singing. The whole audience was smiling and moving and at the end everybody stood up to dance and sing along, it was impossible to remain seated! What a joy! What an positive energetic Monday evening! Now I understand why this concert was on a Monday, to make a blue Monday special! Thank you Chucho ! I love what a good concert can make you feel!

See this video of what they are capable of doing and if you have the chance of seeing them on tour, don´t miss the opportunity! Even if you are not into Jazz,it´s something different, just art!! trust me!

Humble tirbute to a man I respect: Steve Jobs

It´s amazing how wikipedia gets updated so quickly, isn´t it? When your birth date and death date is in wikipedia, it´s a fact! Only a few people in history make a big impact in other´s people lives such as Steve Jobs did. To give you one example, I´m thinking of him right now that i´m forced to use my old vaio laptop which gets stucks every 10 minutes with this obsolete windows vista and this slow duo processor.Being this my second try of writting this post, first try : Computer froze and guess what? I lost the post! So here I´m again trying, I put the Mac sticker on the vaio to see if it makes it faster or more fashionable lol but it ain´t working arg! It´s simple, once you try Mac you never go back! Steve was the co-founder of Apple inc ,which curiously was created on the year I was born, is this a sign? How many people depend nowadays on iphones, ipads or Macs? I only want to thank Steven for making internet-addicts lives like me much easier! It´s easy to spend hours with an i-phone or mac which works so smoothly and which such a beautiful and light design! Unfortunately for you Steve, Cancer does not discriminate between rich and poor and even famous and rich people like you could not win the tough battle against pancreatic cancer. I wonder if you had time to enjoy life to the fullest, dying only at the age of 56 and working almost to the last minute, only resigning in August 2011! Sure whereever you are now, you will be inventing i-phone 6! Unbeliavable, huh? such original and trendy invetions having as an iconic advertisement campaign a bitten apple! What will be the symbology behind that? Uhm ..i´ll ask you one day if we meet!

Steve JObs 1955-2011 descanse en paz! R.i.p.

I leave you with this video of the beginning of Mac

Sunday 2 October 2011

´thriller Live , The Musical 2011- Yes we were there!(Docklands ,theatre dublin)

Many things have been said about Michael Jackson but one thing no-one can deny is that he was the biggest icon of pop and there is and there will not be anyone so talented like him. I have always admired him as an artist since my oldest sister played over and over again the vinilo record of "thriller" when i was a kid. Unfortunately I could not see Michael live in concert , so i took the chance to go and see the musical which gives tribute to Michael´s life " Thriller Live". We attended the 2.30 pm show because it was the one where i found the better seat. Paradoxically, the audience from the show was full of kids dressed like Michael Jackson. The show started with small Michael singing. There were 3 men and one female singer singing Michael´s songs and one talented little kid playing little Michael in the Jackson five. In general i have to say that i had very high expectations and although I had a very good time and I enjoyed specially the second part of the show, I was a bit disappointed by the lack of originality of the plot of the musical, they were reading stages of Michael´s life and then singing his songs. I could not avoid compare this musical to the one i saw a couple of years ago "we will rock you", where the originality of the plot ,the vocals of the singers and the effects blew us away. Well, the musical thriller was very simple, dancers were very good and out of the 5 singers that portraied Michael, only 1 was not good enough and none of them could dance and sing at the same time like Michael did, fair enough ,Michael is not easy to imitate and you can see this in this show where the dancers do the moves and the singers sing! There was one dancer who did very well the moonwalk! We were all so excited!! As I explained above i enjoyed more the second part ,maybe because i knew better Michael Jackson´s song that Jackson´s five ones. Some of the best moments where we could not sit down and stood up at the theater: Thriller; Moonwalk; Boogie; Billy Jean;beat it; we are the world and bad and form the Jackson five: a,b,c and i´ll be there! Last but not least, i´d like to mention that the female singer was the best imitating Michael´s voice, she was amazing and she looked fab. So no big effects, no big changes of stages and lights, just Michael´s music and dance! i felt Michael´s alive again and i´m sure he´ll always be alive in his songs. So if you are a Michael fan, go and see this musical!

Video promotion of the musical:

Do you want to feel with a very aesthetic movie?" Les jeunes amants" - The Young Lovers(2021)

  Year:  2021 Genre:  Romantic/Drama Critics point of view & My own:  Pages specialized in cinema reviews like IDMB give it a score of ...