Surely you have heard of an American photographer who takes pictures of nude people around the world, his name is Spencer Tunick. I have just seen one documentary of him that i recommend "naked state", there he speaks about himself who paradoxically enough he doesnt feel comfortable nude! Spencer goes to big musical festivals to find volunteers for his naked people pictures because music is what brings the biggest amount of people together in one place! There he starts asking people ,if they want to pose for him. Spencer was in Dublin in 2008, one good friend of mine, Virginia, posed for him (she asked me to go with her but im not brave enough to be on a beach in Ireland naked in such a high temperature, Virginia you are my hero!). What is great about the photographs of Spencer is the anonymity of the naked people posing, Spencer always tells them not to look at the camera in big group shots of naked people. Spencer also has pieces of art of single naked people, in this case , he decides whether he or she has to look at him or not. On his web page ,you can contact him if you want to be a volunteer and you have to enter your approximate skin tone. I leave you with one picture of his stay in Dublin of one my favorite buildings in the docklands area, I wonder how he managed to have those naked people in the different balconies!
His last picture has been taken in Mexico! Will you be brave enough to pose for him surrounded by nude strangers?
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