Monday 26 January 2009

Keane´s concert in the o2 arena 25.01.09

on the Keane´s tour of "perfect symmetry" i had the pleasure to see them in the O2 arena in Dublin which was recently opened (great acoustic,well organized and a lot of space to dance and drink!). I was not a big fan of Keane (i´m now!) because i´m a fan of everything and a big fan of nothing,i mean, I like a bit of everything. I was positively impressed by keane´s music quality as a group, their live performance blew me away!what a sound!music and voice!so clean! We were in the first row trying to sing their lyrics our way (like Sinatra!)- of which we didn´t have a clue of lol - and praying that the singer didn´t come closer to us expecting to sing along as he did with the other side of the stage. Their concert was raw music,no dancers,no show,only them,pure and simple. The concert started with a supporter band called "the codes", they were not that great and this made us all wish even more for keane to show up!For those of you who still dont know keane,they are British rock piano group whose first hit was in 1997. The singer Tom Chaplin is a very talented human being, he can play the guitar,the piano and sing like an angel! he is skinny and not very good looking but his voice made his eyes shine! The audience clapped like mad and shouted the groups´name all the time. He was very pleased and said that they chose their group name in a pub in Dublin. Some of the songs I enjoyed most : "cristal ball" "bad dream (he explained that it was based on a yeats´poem),"everybody is changing","somewhere only we know","under the iron sea" "perfect symmetry ", "better than this "and the very last song was amazing,everybody sang along but i still have to find out the title!
If you are a fan of good live music as I´m ,dont hesitate to see keane in one of their tours! its 4 members made us forget about the stress and tiredness, the power of good music!

Sunday 25 January 2009

Kogelos´ (Kenya) celebrates Obama´s U.S. presidential era

On the 20th of January 2009, Barack Hussein Obama II, the 44th U.S first black American president sworn into office. Anecdoctly , he repeated the sworn in the White house because there were some errors in the official inaugural ceremony. On the first day of his mandate he signed the closure of the polemical Guantanamo prision. This president is going and has brought change to U.S.A. and the world from day one. A proof of this is African´s Obama´s father hometown: Kogelo. A small village in Kenya of only 5,000 inhabitants who lived in poor conditions.

The tourist draw that has already started in Kogelo due to Obama´s election has had a huge impact: Souvenirs with OBama´s face are sold, a museum: Obama cultural Centre is going to be built, infraestructures are being improved/built , schools carrying Obama´s name, only 2 days after OBama´s won Kogelo´s villagers had elecrtricity in their homes and governement is even planning to provide them with piped water. Isnt´it that great? It´s clear that OBama is not going to be able to fix the worldwide poverty,hunger and war issues but at least his image is already helping a poor village in Africa. The world eyes are set on Africa a beautiful continent full of resources that do need help.

Thursday 22 January 2009

23th January, 3 Irish bands, one Gig


I wanted to invite you all to enjoy 3 wonderful Irish rock bands full of energy that sound great.2 of the bands: bongo the latch and vodkopter are friends of the wonderful Anna and I had the pleasure to see them last year (unfortunately, this time "Monday Club" will not play, another group that you shouldn´t miss next time!) The concert takes place in Fibber Magees in Parnell street in Dublin at 20.00. The price is unbeattable ,only for 5 euros!!! Last concert was full so dont get there too late or you may not get in!

Let´s support Irish young talent!!!

See you there,people!!

Monday 19 January 2009

The reader (2008)

A dramatic and beautiful movie for sensitive people like me (my husby also liked it!). The character played by the young cute German actor David Kross is very beliavable and Kate Winslet won a very well deserved golden globe for her role in the film. A sweet relationships develops between the 2 protagonists. Hanna Smith (KAte WInslet)fall in love with the way Michael reads loud novels and poems and with his youth. A striking story of love that leads to the dicotmoy between being moral and being fair. Justice is not always moral. Was is it moral when ss gards killed jews in the gas chambers? were the gards (many of them illetarate people )paid for doing their job not to judge or give their opinion?

"The readers" presents a view of the holocaust seen through the eyes of a young law-school student whose case study at the unversity happens to be her exlover´ trial. This will have a great impact throughout his life.

I suffered with Michael and I should have brought tissues with me since i couldn´t stop crying!!! This film is not for everyone, some people may find it a bit long or boring. I didn´t. I love when movies make me think for days and this definetiley did!!!

Friday 16 January 2009

Ciao Polaroid/Adiós Polaroid

In 1944 Polaroid was created by Edwin Land due to her daughter´s caprice. Numeours Artists like ANdy Warhol used it to create his first master pieces.Unfortunately, the Polaroid camera has become obsolete and the last films of polaroid will be distributed this year.

I remember when I was a kid and I always wanted to have a polaroid due to the quickness of getting the printed photo which you had to put inside a book not to spoil it (i usually couldn´t wait and open the book!).

Nowadays, this is no wish for a kid where they have everything digitilized.

I wanted to pay my special tribute to Polaroid with this self-portrait of Andy Warhol

Adiós Polaroid..

Monday 12 January 2009

¿Somos los andaluces un chiste, Monserrat Nebrera?

El 10 de Enero del 2009 escuché a la concejala catalana del PP Monserrat Nebrera referirse a la ministra malagueña del PSOE Magdalena Alvárez de la siguiente manera:

“¿Por qué el señor Chaves se quitó de encima a esta cosa y la colocó en el Gobierno?” no es precisamente el colmo de la corrección lingüística.
“Tiene un acento que parece un chiste… Es un problema de comunicación, se aturulla y hace un lío, y claro, yo que algunas veces cuando llamo a Córdoba […que le cuesta entender porque no está acostumbrada a escuchar el acento andaluz…], imagínate cuando además hay un problema de comunicación.”

Como orgullosa cordobesa y sin ser militante del PSOE, no tengo palabras para expresar mi indignación ante semejante descalificación hacia la ministra Magdalena Alvárez. Una vez más se demuestra que la oposición en el gobierno español se limita a descalificar o criticar en vez de proponer soluciones para mejorar. Monserrat, que es lo que le parece tan grave? que el aeropuerto de Barajas cancelara vuelos debido a un temporal? Aeropuertos como el de Milán el día 6 también se cerraron por el mismo problema y lo mismo ocurrió en otras grandes ciudades como Munich o Nueva York.

Cualquier conflicto es bueno para atacar al gobierno español, ya mismo Zapatero tendrá la culpa del calentamiento global, también.

Lo que me parece más grave es que no sólo han descalificado a una persona en particular sino a una región entera : Andalucía. Señora concejala, siento que no se entere cuando llama a un hotel de mi ciudad, alomejor si fuera un poco más abierta y se relacionara más con gente de otras regiones españolas se daria cuenta de que en España hay una variedad de acentos que no por se diferentes o porque usted no los comprenda son un chiste. Me sorprende que siendo catalana no respete la variedad lingüistica dentro de nuestro país y la ataque.

Estoy harta de que siempre se critique a la manera de hablar o vivir de los andaluces, principalmente por gente que desconoce mi región , tradición y cultura y se deja llevar por tópicos.

Si alguna vez vuelve de visita a Andalucía verá los chistes que le vamos a contar todos si la vemos por la calle.. a mi lo que me parece un chiste es su falta de argumentos válidos y su verborrea barata.

Espero que su propio partido le exiga una disculpa a todos los andaluces aunque no sé si eso será suficiente.

Saturday 10 January 2009

A funny way to look at the crisis

In my hometown, Córdoba,as in many other Spanish cities, the present global financial crisis is the favourite topic of converstation. It even plays an important role in menu restaurants to get new costumers. If you stayed at home to save money due to the crisis,dont do it anymore!! Many restaurants and bars have new menus that go with the situation : menu of the crisis! you will have a cheaper price and even a gift (this will depend on the bar,cafeteria or restaurant).

Tuesday 6 January 2009

Se permite fumar Smoking allowed

Con un cartel como el de la foto te presentan la entrada en un bar andaluz.Esta situación viene desde la ley antitabaco del 28/005 en España que según mi punto de vista no ha hecho más que asustar más a los no fumadores antes de entrar en un bar . Lo primero que se ve es el cartel indicándote que la gente está fumando y lo segundo las chimeneas andantes que son una amplia mayoria de la clientela.Cada comunidad autónoma es responsable de que se siga dicha ley lo que ha llevado a la permisividad y poca sación del no cumplimiento de la misma. El tabaco no se puede prohibir de manera parcial,uno de los paises que lo prohibieron en todos los lugares públicos desde el principio de una manera estricta fue Irlanda. País pionero dónde los fumadores han aprendido a no perjudicar la salud de los fumadores pasivos clientes o mismos trabajadores que respiran el humo de los demás durante su turno completo de trabajo.Yo siempre he respetado los vicios del prójimo mientras no perjudiquen al resto. Me muestro esceptíca al pensar que en mi país no se va a aplicar una ley antitabaco cumpliendo los standards europeo de Alemania,Irlanda o Italia y por el contrario veo que cada vez se fuma más. Antes de salir a tomarse algo en España,como no fumador hay que pensárselo bien (resequedad de garganta,ojos llorosos,olor a tabaco en la piel,ropa y pelo o dolor de cabeza). Fumadores del mundo daros una vuelta por un hospital donde haya enfermos de cancer de pulmón o personas ancianas con manchas en la piel,arrugas en abundancia o dientes renegridos por los efectos del tabaco!

Do you want to feel with a very aesthetic movie?" Les jeunes amants" - The Young Lovers(2021)

  Year:  2021 Genre:  Romantic/Drama Critics point of view & My own:  Pages specialized in cinema reviews like IDMB give it a score of ...