I´ll write mainly in English and in Spanish about topics I´m interested in such as cinema, travels,culture or my own stories.
Monday, 28 November 2011
Breaking Down (Part 1)- Twilight Saga (2011) - "Jacob: if I only could be a wolf for a day lol"
Well after you have watched the rest of the movies from the Twilight Saga, even if you read that the critics say that it's not worth the money, you have to go and see it, why? Because it's the moment all Twilight fans have been waiting for " Bella and Edward getting married! The rest doesn't matter and of course, also it's worth it to see gorgeous looking Jacob, yeah i know, i could be his mum but i can't deny the fact that he is hot! Well , these were my main motivations to see this movie, well this and to see how bella becomes a vampire.I know simple,huh? I didn't have high expectations and, in fact, i still have mixed feelings, some parts we laughed because none of them are good actors and it was a bit of a soap-opera (specially the wedding), other times i was suffering with Bella's pregancy. Yeah I did not know that most of the movie was going to be Bella being pregnant and looking like a jonkie being de-hydrated and with bruises because her fetus was killing her from inside (not very romantic, believe me..,after this fil you don't want to sleep with a vampire, even if it's Edward). I had nightmares yesterday night thinking that i had a little demon inside.., they could have done much more with the film.., it lacked action for me and more vampire spirit!! Too cheesy some times! I wanted blood, eye-tooth, some killing , some vampire power!!Again , I don't agree with rotten.tomatoes audience score of 72% for this film, it's excessive, I'd give it a 50% and only because I wanted to see them again! One highlight for me: The very end! Of course i'll see Breaking Down part 2!! Hopefully is a bit more promising! Sorry if i'm not much help here, so if you are a Twilight fan like myself, go and see it and judge for yourself, if you have not watched other Twilight films, don't bother and stay at home. By the way, the honey moon scene of Edward in the water in full Moon, he needs to eat a bit more or go more to the gym, he looked so skinny !!
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Movie Recommended: "In Time" (2011)! Loved it!! Go and see it!
Why do i always have to have an mad man eating popcorn like a possessed kid, non-stop seating by me?! Arg anyway, lets write about the film. If you are interested in time travelling theme and futuristic films as I am, this is an interesting movie with a new twist! In this film people stop aging at 25 and they earn their living with time instead of money. A world, where rich people live longer or become even immortal and poor people die due to the lack of time. Andres and I loved the film, I do not understand why rotten tomatoes has give it only a 58%! Come on! I can understand that the female protagonist Amanda Seyfried is not an excellent actress (she didn't play her role ver well, it's the only negative comment i can make about it) but Justin Timberlake is damm good!He plays his character of Will Salas, poor guy living in the ghetto ,a type of XXIth century Robin Hood role stealing time from the rich to give it to the poor! I'm not going to tell you more but I loved the similarities they make in the movie between money and time e.g. time loans instead of money loans and time shares instead of shares. Instead of police there are "time-keepers", they make sure people do not steal time from others, the lead time-keeper is fabulous Irish actor: Cillian Murphy, he plays the "bad cop" role in an excellent way, it's so believable! At the end of the film you really feel like looking at your arm to check how long do you have left to live! I was engaged the whole movie! If you want to be entertained , go and see it! Don't miss it (hurry up,not sure how long will it be in the cinema)! Yeah, Justin Timberlake can't sing, we all know that, but he is very convincing as an actor! 10 points for me to him and to his abs! (nice body!) To me the best time travelling movie after "Back to the future". Ah! Don't bother watching the trailer is the kind of trailer where they tell you half of the movie..i hate that arg! A highlight for me : Love the "century" guy who comes at the beginning of the film, OMG he is good looking lol.
Tercer salto literario de Andres Hernández:“Todo lo que podríamos haber sido tú y yo si no fuéramos tu y yo”(Albert Espinosa)
La segunda obra de Albert Espinosa se convirtió en uno de los libros más vendidos en España en los últimos meses. Su libro relata la historia de Marcos, un hombre genial quien acaba de perder su madre y está a punto de tomar la decisión de su vida. Inyectarse un medicamento revolucionario para suprimir el sueño y así vivir las 24 horas del día sin necesidad de descanso. Cuando se encuentra a punto de inyectarse, ve a lo lejos a una mujer que le llama la atención y la persigue hasta llegar a un teatro. Cuando la pierde de vista recibe la llamada de un viejo amigo policía que le informa sobre la aparición de un extraterrestre. A Marcos le encomiendan que utilice su don para descifrar las razones por las cuales el extraterrestre se encuentra en la tierra, para entender sus intenciones y sus orígenes.
Marcos es conducido por un chófer peruano con una sonrisa agradable y dientes de oro hasta las oficinas de la policía. Allí se encuentra con un hermoso adolescente que no tiene el aspecto de extraterrestre pero que posee el mismo don que Marcos. El don consiste en detectar los momentos de felicidad plena y de maldad obscura en la vida de los desconocidos; muy utilizado para el descubrimiento de crímenes que investiga su viejo amigo policía.
La historia concluye con la teoría (para mí un poco vaga y carente de fundamento) de la reencarnación en seis diferentes mundos, siendo la tierra el segundo mundo. El extraterrestre viene del cuarto mundo y decide regresar al segundo para reencontrarse con su amada de 109 años en Peñaranda España.
Su amada muere antes del encuentro con el extraterrestre tras vivir tres meses en una prisión donde lo torturan para descubrir la verdad. Al final el extraño al descubrir que su mujer ha muerto, decide dejar de respirar para seguir sus pasos al tercer mundo. En recompensa por la ayuda prestada a su escape, el extraterrestre le da a Marcos y a la chica deseada la respuesta de su relación en vidas anteriores y con sorpresa descubren que ella es la hija.
Este es el origen del título “todo lo que podríamos haber sido tu y yo si no fuéramos tú y yo”. ¿Qué podrían haber sido y no fueron? Supongo que amantes… pero el final lo deja a valoración del lector.
Su segunda obra es un culebrón sin mucho fundamento. Te envuelve, te llena de expectativas, luego decepciona la teoría de la reencarnación pero te revitaliza con el final inesperado. La idea del medicamento para suprimir el sueño y sus consecuencias me gustó bastante. No sé si podría recomendar este libro. A mí personalmente me gustó. La historia es un poco freaky (yo soy algo freaky también).
Me gustó porque después de leer y entender su mundo amarillo, entendí el motor que lo impulsó a escribir su segunda obra. Si son amantes de la literatura al estilo culebrón fantástico, definitivamente la recomiendo.
A beautiful song for a beautiful morning: Adele - Set Fire to the Rain Lyrics
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Segundo Salto Literario: Mundo Amarillo de Albert Espinosa/post escrito por Andrés Hernández
El Mundo Amarillo es el primer libro publicado por Espinosa, un guionista, actor y ahora escritor catalán con una gran sensibilidad y una habilidad para simpatizar con aquellos que lo leen. Es un libro sencillo que no pretende hacer parte del género de “libros de autoayuda”… Estos libros que venden el secreto para lograr la felicidad, para retener el amor, para lograr la perfección o hacerse rico.
El Mundo Amarillo Empieza con una lista de “23 descubrimientos” donde cuenta un poco sus anécdotas y lo aprendió durante su niñez que se vio obstaculizada por el cáncer. La manera de relatar sus vivencias deja siempre enseñanzas muy positivas dejando atrás el estereotipo de libros descriptivos de enfermedades terminales donde se siente malestar y repulsión al leerlas. Cada uno de sus descubrimientos deja una moraleja de vida y nos prepara para afrontar la muerte, ya que sin más preámbulos nos indica que la muerte es parte de la vida y como tal se debe también aprender a aceptar.
Uno de sus mensajes que más me marcó fue el hecho de entender que “toda pérdida conlleva a una ganancia”. Perder a un amigo, a un ser querido, a un perro, a un familiar no es más que un proceso de vida y como tal se debe asumir. Él por ejemplo perdió su pierna a los quince años. Se la amputaron porque el cáncer lo estaba carcomiendo en esa zona del cuerpo. Para afrontarlo con dignidad le hizo una gran fiesta de despedida a su pierna. Invitó a sus amigos que habían tenido contacto con ella, como una chica con la que hizo piececillos bajo la mesa, un amigo a quien le hizo unos cuantos goles jugando al fútbol. Pocas horas antes de la operación y amputación realizó su último baile de despedida con una enfermera. Fue un momento que me cautivó durante la lectura.
El mundo amarillo es su mundo de sentimientos descrito como un estadio más avanzado a la amistad y el amor. Los pertenecientes al mundo amarillo son aquellas personas con las que tropezamos en nuestras vidas y nos marcan por uno u otro motivo. Estos seres especiales los compara con algunos de sus compañeros de cuarto en el hospital con los que compartía dolores, tristezas, felicidades e incluso la muerte. A todos estos seres la vida les había condicionado con una fecha de caducidad cercana así que durante su estancia en el hospital, el autor vio y vivió la muerte de casi todos sus compañeros de cuarto. Estas experiencias de vida son el origen de la ternura y pureza para escribir.
El libro no tiene mucho valor como literatura (es mi humilde forma de verlo), pero ¿quién quiere aburrirse con un libro complicado de leer lleno de metáforas existencialistas sin sentido para llegar a la conclusión de que todos al fin y al cabo moriremos? No hay que ponerle mayor misterio…
Esta obra de arte, que es la vida de Albert Espinosa nos deja un buen mensaje a aquellos quienes gozamos de buena salud y a aquellos que están a punto de enfrentarse a este momento final de la vida. Es un buen libro para entretenerse en la playa. No es recomendable leerlo en un avión si se tiene miedo a volar porque la conclusión del libro se perderá entre los nervios del despegue y el aterrizaje.
Sunday, 13 November 2011
My Trip Recommendation: Fuerteventura
Why Fuerteventura? Simple: Good weather all year; Good food; accommodation for an affordable price if you choose the right part of the island and season; long, unexploited white sandy beaches; beautiful dunes,mountains,sea and dessert landscapes; pure and clean sea water; safe and peaceful; loads of sports : surf, trekking, biking etc ; beautiful combination of colors for photography and last but not least cheap car rental to go all over the island.
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Brilliant comedy at the Laughter Lounge Comedy Club (5th.Nov,Dublin)
My second time going to the Laughter Lounge and this time with the big responsibility that team had fun since I organized the team nite out! Uff, What a relief ,i'm sure they enjoyed themselves, specially with the jokes the comedian moderator of the whole show, Kevin Gildea, played about me, being one of his "first row victims". It was interesting when he asked me "well, what do you do?" and I said: "Support specialist", then he said something like "ah, ok this is one of those fancy job titles that nobody knows what you do.. (he said it in a much elaborated way and clever but i can't remember ahaha, embarrassment made me forget about it!). My whole team laughed and even clapped,specially my colleagues,not so sure about my manager lol. He also played numerous jokes about the 2 empty chairs by me. I told him we were all from eBay to try to inspire him to pick on any other from my colleagues but he didn't care lol, well he actually did on one of my colleagues that started shouting that the second row were also from eBay and then he said "yeah we all know , Belen said that already and it's clear but go on". You are warned if Kevin is on the night, be careful where you seat lol, he really learned my name by heart! I didn't mind his jokes but some people from the audience got a bit annoyed ..,well it was only a bunch of drunken women celebrating a birthday who were actually a bit loud so i'm glad he made them be quiet! In the and we all sang happy birthday and did the hush sing to them, did not talk anymore lol
There were 3 more comedian guests, one American guy who lives in Dublin: Jim Elliot; another comedian from U.k. John Moloney and my favorite ones, the Irish comedian sketch group: Foils, Arms and Hogs.
Out of the three, I'd say that the audience enjoyed more John Moloney (I didn't since i couldn't understand his accent and jokes.. but the audience loved him) and the Irish comedian group. The American comedian was o.k., I would say he made me laugh a couple of times but he was not very clever starting the show talking about orange fake tan that some Irish women wear lol, well the guys and the foreign audience laughed. He was o.k. anyway.
I laughed a lot with the moderator, Kevin Gildea, he was a bit mean sometimes but i like his humour lol one has to learn to laugh at oneself! He was fab in his skinny jeans, doing the catwalk on the stage. He tortured mainly the first rows, there was one of the engineers of the spire in the public, a big group of British males as a part of a stag part and then, me..,we were his main victims in-between each act, i did not even dare to go to the toilet, too risky lol. He also played some funny jokes about cats (he could even imitate cat expressions lol),recession in Ireland and banks, he even criticized the Bank of Ireland and I loved that part LOL .
But the biggest surprise of the nite for me was the Irish group: Foils, Arms and Hogs. I was actually crying out of joy throughout the 4 sketches they played. So fresh, original and funny! The 4 sketches were one about : Iphone applications; second one about flirting in a pub, third one about a sand castle soap-opera (Dad I'm out of sand! Lol) and the last one about people who work on a computer all day. Sometimes they did not even talk and only with their powerful facial expressions made us laugh. In between each act they played one Bryan Adam's love song and one of the comedians, Sean dedicated it to one of the girls of the audience, poor girl lol so embarrassing. I have became a fan of them now, I'm so glad, I like knowing pure talent people and i have not seen such good comedians for a long time, they remind me a bit of a Spanish sketch comedian group called "tricicle". I totally recommend you to go and see them when they have another show, they also do shows in other venues throughout Ireland and even in England.
It was a great night and most importantly it was a night to chill-out and to enjoy it with my work colleagues and this was achieved!
I leave you with some of the pics taken in the free photobooth inside the Laughter Lounge and a video of one of the sketches of the Irish group : Folis ,Arms and Hogs:
Saturday, 5 November 2011
My humble review of George Michael concert with the symphonic orchestra in the O2 in Dublin (3 Nov.2011) by Belén Delgado
Unfortunately I had a crazy O2 employee stopping us from taking good photos or even videos but there are plenty of videos on you tube , here you are the moment when he paid tribute to Amy, this time in Prague but it was the same in Dublin:
Here you are the other highlight of the night, the 80ies mix part:
I could write more and more about it but the conclusion would be the same: George Michael has a naturally & talented voice. If you ever have the chance to see him live, believe me , it´s worth spending every penny. Yes, it is not cheap but it is one of those moments that you will cherish for life.
George I hope you sing and sing for many years to come, you have even inspired my husband now to keep on learning playing violin with your songs. Thanks for a beautiful and unforgettable night.
Contagion (2011) - uff not worth it seeing it..
This movie was not on my list but at that time when we went to the cinema ,it was the only one starting at that time and with such a good cast of actors: Kate Winselt, MAtt Damon, Jude LAw ,Gwneth Paltrow,MArion Cottillard and Laurence Fishbourne, you may be fooled thinking it can actually be good. Rotten Tomatoes audience scored it with a 64%, I would score it with a 45%. ONe of the promotional lines of the movie is " do not talk to anyone, do not touch anyone" ... just as an introduction. Well, How can I put it, one more time North Americans save the world from infectation and of course the ones responsible for the virus spread is not them, never.., they are the savers bt not the spreaders. I´m a bit disappointed with Matt Damon, he used to be such a young ,fresh and different actor, to me he is not convincing anymore and gee he lost all his appeal for me. Out of all the actors,I owuld say that Kate Winselt was the one that really played a very good role and Jude Law did not play bad his role of a contemporary prophet. I didn´t enjoy this film at all,besides every time anyone cough in the cinema, you get paranoid you may get the virus lol so this is the only thing I got out of it. Do not spend your time going to see this one, it´s a movie that you can see if you are at home and have nothing better to do on a Sunday at 21.00 pm, luckily you fall asleep before it ends lol The only thing I liked was the last sequence of the end of it where they explain the origin of the virus. Another predictable American movie.
Do you want to feel with a very aesthetic movie?" Les jeunes amants" - The Young Lovers(2021)
Year: 2021 Genre: Romantic/Drama Critics point of view & My own: Pages specialized in cinema reviews like IDMB give it a score of ...
Cast: Andres as the "nice neighbour" Belén as the guionist,camera woman and secondary role "another nice and naif...
English version coming soon, in case you want to see this show in Paris one day.For now only in Spanish sorry: >Quer'iamos ir a un sh...