Wednesday 20 January 2010

Sherlock Holmes by Guy Ritchie

It´s the first movie I have seen from the British director Guy Ritchie (Madonna´s exhusband) and I have to say that I have become her biggest fan. I Want to start with one of his quotations in case anyone didnt like his last movie (specially Cris friend from Sevilla that found it boring..OMG!!) and to the rotten tomatoes critics that gave it only a score of 53% (in comparison with a 87 % rate given by the rotten tomatoes community): "I am relatively familiar with getting a good old rumping from the critics. In some cases, the critics just didn't like the film - fair cop. Others, I think, didn't understand it."
A friend asked me one day after i saw Sherlock Holmes: " was it long? " and then I said " I didnt even think of the time, i actually didnt want it to end" I think we you dont look at your watch when watching a movie is a good sign! I´m also a big fan of the main protagonist: Robert Downey Junior. He played Sherlock Holmes abilities to investigate others with a unique style that´s why he also got a golden globe award yesterday. Even the no so brilliant Jude Law played a good role! Some people complained that the film is a bit violent , well i found the violent scenes presented in a very aesthetic way by Guy Ritchie, you can even feel the punchs! The London surroundings are also very well portraited like the London tower bridge that was under construction at that time or the timeless Big Ben. To put it in a nutshell, it is an entertaining movie for people that want to see a movie directed in a different way, you will have a laugh and also try to find a logical explanation to the resurrection of the bad guy! Sherlock Holmes was able to find an explanation even for that and many more hints! The movie has a kind of open ending so i guess there will be a second part.. we will have to wait..

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Mini , 16 años de vida a nuestro lado (Tribute to my cat)

English version below

Algunas personas no entienden como se puede querer a un animal de compañia como a uno más de la familia. A mí me ha tocado entenderlo personalmente hoy mismo, ya que mi gata, Mini, no está más entre nosotros. Mini era una gata chiquitita, siamesa, muy canijilla que recogimos de la calle. Mi padre se fue haciendo amiga de ella poco a poco, dándole de comer y beber en el garaje de mi casa. Con el tiempo Mini fue cogiendo confianza y se encariñó con mi padre quién acabó presentándola a la familia donde todas la acogimos como una más. Tenía mucha vitalidad, jugaba con todos nosotros/as, era traviesilla, se restregaba en los zapatos de las visitas masculinas para buscar afecto y cuando no le quedaba otra pues se conformaba con nosotras. Hoy por la tarde después de 16 años haciéndonos compañia y viviendo todas nuestras experiencias, Mini Ha dejado de maullar a la vera de mi hermana pequeña, la cual era como una madre para Mini siempre siguiendo sus pasos. Demasiados momentos vividos junto a Mini: las bodas de mis hermanas, cumpleaños, pérdidas de seres queridos,nacimientos de sobrinos, bautizos, navidades etc. Nuestra gata no era una gata cualquiera, tenía unos ojos preciosos y una gran personalidad, a mi siempre me reconocía a pesar de que llevo muchos años viviendo en el extranjero.Con Mini siento que se ha ido una parte de mi padre que permanecía viva ,ya que hay muchos recuerdos asociados a a momentos vividos con los dos. Mini, con tristeza y llanto te quería dedicar estas líneas en nombre mio y de mi familia en homenaje a tí, una gata fiel y agradecida hasta el último suspiro. Te queremos y te echaremos mucho de menos.

English version:

Some people can´t grasp how can you love a pet like a family member. Well, I had to understand this personally this afternoon since our cat , Mini, is no longer among us. Mini was a tiny, skinny and homeless cat that we adopted. My father started to build up a relationship with Mini little by little by feeding her and giving her some water and affection in our garage. With time, Mini started to trust and love my father whom in the end, introduced her to our family and we gave her shelter like one of us. She was very lively, playful and always looking for some affection on the shoes of any male visit and if there wasnt any she had to be conteted with our female shoes. This afternoon, after 16 years of being a great companion, she stopped mewoing by my sisters lap, whom was like a mother to her always following her anywhere she went. Plenty of shared moments with Mini: weddings, births of my nephews, loss of beloved relatives, Christenings, Xmas celebrations etc Our cat was a peculiar one, full of personality and with a pair of penetrating beautiful eyes, she always recognized me even though i have been living abroad for more than 8 years now. With my cats death, i feel like a part of my dad that was still alive is also gone, many moments associated to both of them. Mini, with my sadness and tears, I wanted to dedicated you in my name and in the name of my family, these lines in tribute to a truthful companion until your last breath. We love you and we will miss you

Sunday 17 January 2010

German Romantic Movie I recommend: Keinohrhasen

German comedy and romantic movie from 2007 directed and casted by Til Schweiger one of the hottest German actors on earth!!! This movie really made me laugh and I was entertained all the way through! It has been one of the best German romantic movies I have seen. The main line of the story is about a tabloid womanizer paparazzi : Ludo (Til Schweiger) that is sentenced to do 300 hours in a public Kindergarten. At the Kindergarten he meets Ana (Nora Tschirner) who used to be the nerdy from his school and he used to teased her, of course Ana remembers him well.. lol I truly recommend it even if you dont speak German (of course if you are into romantic movies,if not dont watch it!)

Os quería recomendar una serie andaluza en la red: La niña Repelente

Una serie de una familia sevillana que tienen una hija repelente un tanto peculiar.., con un padre parado y una madre depresiva.. No veas que bicho es la niña jaja..! los capítulos son muy cortitos y se pueden ver todos de maneras gratuita sólo en internet. Por el momento hay tan sólo 5 capítulos y los fans estamos a la espera de los siguientes! os dejo con el capítulo 3 que a mi personalmente me hace mucha gracia.. jaja

no os perdáis el resto de los capitúlos, sobretodo si queréis conocer a la abuela de la niña que es otro personaje!

Saturday 16 January 2010

The east German traffic lights man: Das Ampelmännchen

I want to introduce you to one of the icons of the culture of East Germany that goes back to the 1960'ies and German Democratic Republic (DDR): Das Ampelmännchen, a the little man wearing a hat. This unique and friendly symbol was used as an advisor for childrens education on road and traffic and even animated stories were broadcast with the Ampelmännchen as the main protagonist. After the reunification of Germany , there was an attempt to get rid of the Ampelmännchen and standardize all traffic light men like the west traffic lights man but a strong campaign to keep a cultural icon such the East traffic light man prevented that from happening.

Nowadays you can find even a female version of the trafficlights man in some cities from Germany and there is even a version of it in a car! If you want to meet the Traffic light man you need to go to East German cities such as Berlin or Dresdenh. If you like him as much as i did you can find shops only dedicated to him called "Ampelmann shop" on may spots in Berlin.

Sunday 10 January 2010

La nevada más importante en Córdoba en 38 años!

mirad el artículo del periódico Córdoba, el cambio climático está realmente afectando todas partes!!!mirad el video:

Nevada histórica en Córdoba capital ( Diario Córdoba - 10/01/2010 )

Snowing in my city, Córdoba (one of the hottest cities in Spain)!! climate change is really going forward, this hasn´t happened in 38 years!! can´t believe it!!

Do you want to feel with a very aesthetic movie?" Les jeunes amants" - The Young Lovers(2021)

  Year:  2021 Genre:  Romantic/Drama Critics point of view & My own:  Pages specialized in cinema reviews like IDMB give it a score of ...