Saturday 17 October 2009

Pink concert in the O2 de Dublín 15.10.2009

Spanish version: (English version below)

No podía dejar pasar la oportunidad de escribir sobre uno de los mejores conciertos de música rock-pop en vivo que he visto hasta el momento y es que pink lo tiene todo : personalidad,carisma,belleza,buena voz,estilo y un cuerpo en excelente forma que le deja cantar bocabajo colgada de un par de cuerdas en el aire. La verdad es que no me la esperaba tan buena,me lo pasé buscándole defectos pero no pude! jaja nunca habia visto una artista que se le notara más que disfruta lo que hace, lo vive!

La gira de la pop-rockera americana Pink "funhouse" da honor a su nombre porque nos tuvo entretenidos durante las dos horas que duró el concierto. Está rodeada de músicos y bailarines y dos grandes coristas entre ellos también:una violinista, un bioloncello,un guitarrista magnífico,un batería,el director del grupo al teclado,un bajo y un par de acrobatas que nos deleitaron con danza en el aire al ritmo de la música.

Entre sus canciones más conocidas como "sober" "so what" "dear Mr president (dedicada a la mala presidencia de Bush)" "stupid girls" "funhouse" or "please dont leave me" nos deleitó con "bohemian Rapsody" que todos cantamos a coro recordando a Queen y con el hit "crazy" de Gnarls Barckley. Cada canción iba acompañada de su gran personalidad y se comunicaba mucho con el público entre canción y canción donde recogía la cantidad de regalos que le tiraban al escenario, uno de ellos muy original que le cayó en el brazo "un queso irlandés", Pink recalcó que nunca le habian tirado un queso al escenario jaja estos irlandeses son muy originales!

El concierto terminó con pink en el aire cantando bocabajo, impresionante! qué atlética!

Pink estará de vuelta en Dublín nuevamente en Junio del 2010 para aquellos que no quieran perderse su show!

English version:

I could not pass up the opportunity to write about one of the best live Pop-rock music concerts I've seen so far: the Northamerican singer PINK. She has it all: personality, charisma, beauty, good voice, style and she is so fit that she can sing upside down hanging from a pair of ropes in the air. The truth is that I didnt expect Pink to be so good, I have never seen an artist who loves so much what she does, you can feel it!

The tour of American pop-rocker Pink "Funhouse" brings honor to his name because she had us entertained for the two-hour concert. Surrounded by musicians and dancers and singers among them : a violinist, a bioloncello, a superb guitarist, a drummer, the group's director at the keyboard, a bass and a pair of acrobats who delighted us with dance in the air along the rhythm of the music.

Among his best known songs like "Sober" "so what" "Dear Mr President (dedicated to bad Bush presidency)" "stupid girls" funhouse "or" please dont leave me "delighted us with" Bohemian Rapsody "that all remembering we sing in unison and with the Queen hit "Crazy" by Gnarls Barckley. Each song was accompanied by his great personality and she interacted a lot with her fans between each song. Many fan gifts made it to the stage but a very original one hit one of Pink´s arm : an Irish cheddar cheese! Pink laughed and stressed the fact that it was the first time that a cheese landed on her show stage hahaha these Irish are very original!
The concert ended with pink in the air singing upsidedown, impressive! how athletic!

Pink will be back in Dublin again in June 2010 for those who do not want to miss her show!

Saturday 10 October 2009

The magic of Facebook

I wanted to write some lines about the magic of facebook. I have read many articles attacking the networking web page ,many written by people who are not regular users and dont even know how it works. Well, like everything, you have to know well how it works to make good use of it:set up your security privacy settings,dont accept people you dont know as friends,be careful with links your are sent or ads etc With all its faults and benefits, I think it's great to be able to find after more than 15years your best school mates or good university mates that you lost contact with because you all took different paths. Just yesterday, I found one invitation of an old friend from school and it brought so many good memoirs back. Through her i found most of my school friends linking one to the other. Each of my old friends are split living in different places and i dont think i would have ever found them back if it wouldnt have been for a network web page like facebook! i love technology and i love internet! some people may hate finding again people from school but i dont because my group of friends was a really close one and we shared many good moments together!i cant wait to catch up with them after so many years!thanx facebook!

Sunday 4 October 2009

Lisbon Treaty approved by a wide majority of the Irish Population after a second referendum

I promise I´m going to stop talking and writing about the Lisbon treaty for a while but before I do that I wanted to analyze the resuts.

67% yes - 32 % no

Summary of the yes campaign by the government and oposition parties:

Yes to Europe

Yes to Jobs -> The treaty may nt bring directly jobs to Ireland but it will make Europe works better which is always good for any EU future investment in the country

Yes to common EU climate change policies

No to lies (in relation to the coir group poster about minimum wages)

Summary of the no campaign:

voting again: what the heck?-> To me this was a second chance for the Irish government to inform people better of the content of the treaty

minimun wages of 1.84 -> big lie that didnt help the no side supporters..

EU likes controlling->well EU has also given a lot of budget to Ireland, do you think we will be better without EU?

Bank crisis and recession

the only job the treaty saves is Brian Cowen´s (with a picture of him)

They mentioned the easter rising (1916) and fight for freedom of Irish ancestors for nothing -> it has nothing to do with it¿?!!!

We appreciate EU help and we are European but we say not to the treaty-> a bit contradictory..

Taxation -> Ireland keeps its veto on taxation issues, taxes will increase with or witohut the treaty..

End of the EU democracy -> very dramatic..not all decissions need a referendum which also costs a lot of money to the country..

Military forces

dont be bullied -> ????

On the tv debates , i have to say that the no side were much better prepared than the yes side to defend their views, which actually worried me, specially when I saw Ryanairs CEO talking about the yes side without having a clue about what he was saying (he could have checked the referendum page,at least..). Nowadays thanx to the media and internet,some people like me made their own judgments based on the facts and not on the yes-no supporters views. However, I´d like to mention the great job of "generation yes" ,a group of young Irish educated university students who focused on the content of the treaty and facts and the referendum webpage where difficult concepts such has the votation system within EU,commisioners,parliament and other population concerns were clearly explained (due to the complexity of the treaty).

There is not going to be a magical EU treaty that please everyone but as a proud European, I´m glad to see that we are on the way to have stronger unified EU policies (on freedom of movement/jobs/rights/health/environment/discrimination etc), we have already waited long enough to start taking action!

Thanx Irish people!

Now it´s time for Poland and the Check Republic to sign the treaty, fingers crossed!

Signed by the box,music videos interpreted for deaf people

Happy Sunday, I only wanted to dedicate this short post to Darryl Jackson, a man that interpretes music videos for deaf people every morning in a tv video show called "signed by the box". He has 2 female co-workers but he is the one who actually has the rythm inside him. I´d love to meet him one day since I think his passion is admirable,you can really tell that he is enjoying his job. Being able to interpretate in sign language an Eminem video must be very hard due to the speed of his rap-lyrics and Darryl has actually achieved that. What a pity that the tv show is always at 7.00 a.m.. I dont really get why movies,news or even music videos for deaf people have to be either very early in the morning or very late! Deaf people also should have the right to wake up a bit later and understand what is being displayed on TV/cinema-dont you think?

I introduce you to Darryl Jackson! sorry about the quality of the video of Darryl and Rhyanna

Spanish version: Feliz Domingo, quería dedicarle unas líneas a "Darryl JAckson", un hombre que interpreta videos músicales para sorods,cada mañana en un programa llamado "signed by the box", hay otras dos mújeres interpretes pero él es el que lleva realmente el ritmo dentro de su cuerpo. Me encantaría conocerle algún día ya que creo que su pasión es admirable, se ve claramente que él está disfrutando su trabajo. Ser capaz de interpretar en lenguaje de signos un video de Eminem no es nada fácil y el lo ha conseguido. Que pena que sea siempre a las 7 a.m.. La verdad es que no me parece justo que las películas,noticias o videos para sorods tenga que ser siempre o muy temprano o muy tarde por la noche. Los sordos también deberían tener derecho a levantarse un poco más tarde y entender igualmente las noticias,videos o películas, tú que opinas? bueno,os presento a Darryl Jackson, lamento si la calidad del video no es muy buena!

Do you want to feel with a very aesthetic movie?" Les jeunes amants" - The Young Lovers(2021)

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