Last Saturday, 2nd of April, we were delighted by the sound of the Spanish guitar played by Spanish musician, Juan Martin, who comes from Malaga, Andalucia (my region). Such talent playing flamenco can only come from the South of Spain! His fingers moved so quickly that it made it look so easy, gee! Juan spoke in perfect English between each song and explained when he played at the 90 th birthday of the famous painter Picasso, who is also from Malaga and who asked him to improvise at his birthday. There was another Spanish "cantaora" (singer) from Malaga with a very clean and neat flamenco voice and 3 more musicians, one playing typical instruments from Marroco and the other two played flauta and clarinete. It was beautiful to see the mixture of the Arabic music along with classical flamenco guitar: Rumbas, bulerias and alegrias. There were 2 dancers, as well, one female who was o.k. , i wouldn't say great but o.k. but the male dancer, geeeeee he didn't feel the music, he reminded me of a Spanish comedian #chiquito de la calzada#, in the way he walked lol the Irish audience didn't notice his lack of skills but we did because we are used to seeing flamenco shows. Anyway, this male dancer, can't even remember his name, didn't make us forget talented Juan who deserved all the applauses he got! I felt back in my region, Andalucia for 3 hours ! thanx National Concert Hall!
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