I have the purpose this year of writing about any movie I see ,whether i like them or not so here i am writing about 2 Irish movies i have seen recently. I was not convinced by any of them but one was actually much worse than the other, here you are:
Starting with : " Rewind" geeee, what an Irish soap opera!! and of course you could predict what was going to happen. Some positive aspects of it: I liked their Irish accent and the work they do with the photography is great, playing with being out and on focus all the time. It reminded me a bit of Almodovar. Let's say it was an o.k. film but i'd have loved to have chosen a different one!! When it ended , we weren' t sure whether we liked it or not..,you know this kind of feeling. But now after thinking of the other Irish movie we went to see (see below) i think this one was actually much better.
Going on with another Irish film: "Snap" geeeeeee, this one i could only cope with it for 20 mins..,we actually left the cinema (Yeah ,this is the worse movie i have seen this year so far..). First bad sign was that there were no more people watching it ,only us, then 7 more people came and at least 3 of us eft, so only 4 people were brave enough to staty, i wonder if they managed to stay until the end. What i saw was a woman swearing all the time talking about a child that was kidnapped, they were trying to make it alternative with the camera again being out of focus but to me it was disturbing and not well done (with the other Irish movie: REwind, it was very well done). AFter 20 mins of swearing and flashbacks of a kidnapped baby, we decided to leave geeeeeeeee, what's going on with Irish movies lately??? No wonder that Irish people don't actually go and see them!! Believe me that i usually go and see Irish movies and i have seen some good ones, only with these 2 i have not been lucky..
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