Again not my choice to see this movie, it was actually Andres the one interested, i had little expectations to be entertained and even to laugh. How wrong was I, I actually laughed louder than Andres LOL,LOL!! Rotten tomatoes audience scored it with 51, to me i would have scored it at least with 70! Within this range of funny American movies, one more time the director of Pineapple Express,David Gordon Green, did the trick! I didn't expect some of the best hilarious moments of the film like the one with the little fairies or the trophy of my favorite personage of the movie: Thadeous, a trophy of his first victory in a fight in the quest to rescue "Belladonna". Nathalie Portman is also in this film and yeah, she is everywhere this year lol , male audience will be happy when she bathes in a lake,naked (not sure if it was her real body, uhm.., i know it's pure envy !!) . The female protagonist of another great movie: "500 days of summer", Zooey Deschanel, plays the role of the kidnapped bride of the gorgeous looking : James Franco, Fabious. Both are hilarious! I liked every single character in this film! It's a good parody of all those chivalry ,adventurous films with some very original flashes. It has also some thrilling moments and it has a plot, indeed, and thread to follow, it's not one of those films like "scary movie", where there is no connection and it's full of stupidity. Of course, needless to say that you have to watch this film in English! Sit back, relax and have some fun!! If you don't laugh with this film at least once..you are a very serious,serious person who needs to laugh more!! Laughing is a good therapy and i do recommend this film in order to achieve some good entertaining moments!!