I wanted to write some lines about the magic of facebook. I have read many articles attacking the networking web page ,many written by people who are not regular users and dont even know how it works. Well, like everything, you have to know well how it works to make good use of it:set up your security privacy settings,dont accept people you dont know as friends,be careful with links your are sent or ads etc With all its faults and benefits, I think it's great to be able to find after more than 15years your best school mates or good university mates that you lost contact with because you all took different paths. Just yesterday, I found one invitation of an old friend from school and it brought so many good memoirs back. Through her i found most of my school friends linking one to the other. Each of my old friends are split living in different places and i dont think i would have ever found them back if it wouldnt have been for a network web page like facebook! i love technology and i love internet! some people may hate finding again people from school but i dont because my group of friends was a really close one and we shared many good moments together!i cant wait to catch up with them after so many years!thanx facebook!
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