I promise I´m going to stop talking and writing about the Lisbon treaty for a while but before I do that I wanted to analyze the resuts.
67% yes - 32 % no
Summary of the yes campaign by the government and oposition parties:
Yes to Europe
Yes to Jobs -> The treaty may nt bring directly jobs to Ireland but it will make Europe works better which is always good for any EU future investment in the country
Yes to common EU climate change policies
No to lies (in relation to the coir group poster about minimum wages)
Summary of the no campaign:
voting again: what the heck?-> To me this was a second chance for the Irish government to inform people better of the content of the treaty
minimun wages of 1.84 -> big lie that didnt help the no side supporters..
EU likes controlling->well EU has also given a lot of budget to Ireland, do you think we will be better without EU?
Bank crisis and recession
the only job the treaty saves is Brian Cowen´s (with a picture of him)
They mentioned the easter rising (1916) and fight for freedom of Irish ancestors for nothing -> it has nothing to do with it¿?!!!
We appreciate EU help and we are European but we say not to the treaty-> a bit contradictory..
Taxation -> Ireland keeps its veto on taxation issues, taxes will increase with or witohut the treaty..
End of the EU democracy -> very dramatic..not all decissions need a referendum which also costs a lot of money to the country..
Military forces
dont be bullied -> ????
On the tv debates , i have to say that the no side were much better prepared than the yes side to defend their views, which actually worried me, specially when I saw Ryanairs CEO talking about the yes side without having a clue about what he was saying (he could have checked the referendum page,at least..). Nowadays thanx to the media and internet,some people like me made their own judgments based on the facts and not on the yes-no supporters views. However, I´d like to mention the great job of "generation yes" ,a group of young Irish educated university students who focused on the content of the treaty and facts and the referendum webpage where difficult concepts such has the votation system within EU,commisioners,parliament and other population concerns were clearly explained (due to the complexity of the treaty).
There is not going to be a magical EU treaty that please everyone but as a proud European, I´m glad to see that we are on the way to have stronger unified EU policies (on freedom of movement/jobs/rights/health/environment/discrimination etc), we have already waited long enough to start taking action!
Thanx Irish people!
Now it´s time for Poland and the Check Republic to sign the treaty, fingers crossed!
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