- Year: 2018
- Genre: Drama/ Romantic
- Rotten Tomatoes Score: 95 % from critics and 97% from the audience
- Recommended by me ? : 9 out of 10 for me! As a member of the cinema, I was lucky enough to see a pre-screen of this film last week before it was shown to the bigger audience. It is a remake of an old movie from Barbara Streisand. Initially I went to accompany my good friend, Juan, who is a huge fan of Lady-Gaga. To be honest with you, I was expecting to leave before the end when I saw how long the movie lasted (135 minutes!). I did not know much about the plot and I thought it would be a promotion of Gaga's voice with very poor acting skills. Well, I was completely wrong. This movie surprised me from the very beginning from the moment when I heard Bradley Cooper's voice for the first time and I realized very quickly the great connection Lady Gaga and Bradley had in the movie. Bradly has not only acted on this film but he has produced, sung & directed it, too. What a talented human being! I have become a big fan of him after this film. Regarding Lady Gaga, well, she has proved one more time that she is not only a talented artist but she can also perform a very believable love story in her first protagonist role in a movie. Even though I could see what the end of this story was going to be like, I could not foresee how moved I was going to feel with the very last scene. I won't tell you much more so that you can see the movie and judge by yourself. Even if you are not a fan of Gaga, please understand that this film is not about her career or type of music, she performs Ally, a singer that was going to give up her dream until she met Jack. I do hope this film's soundtrack wins many awards. What are you waiting for? Go and get your tickets!
- Some of the Highlights for me: The performance of "I'll never love again" by Gaga ( lyrics can be found here : https://genius.com/Lady-gaga-ill-never-love-again-extended-version-lyrics ) and their first performance together of "shallow" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bo_efYhYU2A&list=PLlO3DHk_E9sizGUjQkfi7uZQ02dU2BJYV. Once you have watched the film, I recommend this interview: https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/article/lady-gaga-and-bradley-cooper-on-crafting-the-music-for-a-star-is-born/ . Another Interview with Ellen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf4sTQyloIQ

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