Uhm, you know that kind of movie that when you have seen the trailer you have seen it all? Yeah, the best moments were all in the trailer!! Predictable dialogues with lack of originality and wit and of course a cheesy ending! One guy in the audience even made as if he was vomiting loud as a protest of the cheesiness LOL and of course we laughed in agreement with him. O.k. I'm going to be honest with you, i didnt' expect it to be , the movie of my life, i actually wanted to see Justin Timberlake and Andres wanted to see Mila Kunis and yeah this is what you get,no more. Both of them semi-naked (even their arses are shown in the film)playing to be sex pals. They have good chemistry in camera and look great together. The cinema was full, full of couples like us, most of the guys probably forced to go but made the effort to see Mila. To sum up, this film is a promotion of both actors , of New York and Los Angeles, nothing else and of course when it ends you feel ugly and old (at least me lol). Let's say that it was an o.k. afternoon film that you can see while doing somethingelse without paying much attention. Sorry I'm not much help here but if i were you, i'd not pay a penny to see this film, just watch it on t.v. whenever is released!
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