One more time my opinion goes against the critics and audience that score this film with a 79%, maybe I expected too much,not sure. One of my motivations to see this film was the gorgeous looking Chris Evans but guess what?I couldn't even enjoy this because from the beginning of the movie Chris head is "attached" (you can see that it was done with a computer) to a small skinny guy and this look does not go away when he becomes Captain America..,similar feeling I had when I saw Brad Pitt as an ugly old baby in "the curious case of Benjamin Button"(another movie that I hate deeply!!), there are some cinematographic scenes that cannot simply be erased. Well appart from Captain's American's looks all this patriotism with the American flags & cheesy moments did not convince us, yeah i write "us" because Andres agrees with me. Yeah, it has some cool effects and some cool moves but it's way to long with a poor plot behind, i should have gone to see somethingelse... This year, i'm getting disappointed with the super heroes movies, what is going on?? it's them or it's me?? Well, not that bad this weekend out of 4 , i loved 3 of the films , only this one did not win me over! Sorry Captain America's lovers..
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