As my oldest sister said when she saw the pictures of the event " Que familia mas loca tengo!" (what a crazy family i have!). Well it was not only Andres,Raquel,my mum and me the ones who were nuts dressed in a wally suit , there were 3563 more people who also found the idea of breaking a world record in Merrion square on the 18th of June in Dublin, appealing! It was the most positive, funny and happy-go-lucky experiences i have had in my entire life! This will be something i'll never forget, we made history (even if the record was beaten again the next day lol)! People from all ages and generations who did not know each other hug and sang in the rain to the rhythm of Gene Kelly "singing in the rain". The event organizers kept us dancing with "jump around", Beyonce, Queen "we are the champions", YMCA and even the Beatles. We arrived there at 17.00 pm to be one of the first wallies and hell yeah, we were because the Irish take their time and most people arrived close to 18.00 and we were already dancing and taking photos for an hour!
The official photo was to be taken at 18.30 and just at 18.00 it started raining like hell, i felt sorry for my mum and for Raquel who was already sick , at the beginning they let us open our umbrellas but then they said " close your umbrellas" and my mum didn't want to lol i had to convince her after a while, then they said no rain jackets and this was tougher to achieve lol, then the organizer said if you see any outsider (not wally) boo them and everybody was "boooooooo". In the end i have yo thank my mum because it has been easy to spot ourselves in all the photos i have found on the net and different newspaper, every time a blue jacket was in the first row, i was by it lol thank you mum!! Even the rain didn't ruin the day, people were so happy doing the different poses they told us to do for the photo shoot: doing some waiving, then only kids looking up and adults looking down,then only kids shouting wally , then men and last women (we were the winners!).
The event organizer was a funny guy telling jokes all the time, he had the brilliant idea of keeping our wallies outfits to do more wally events so this will not be the last time you see me as wally in Dublin! The organizer said : Imagine if the next time Obama comes , we all come dressed as wally, what a nightmare for the FBI or the CIA! lol actually yes!! what a great idea lol And at one point we all had to sent a text message to the same guy ,we wrote a random message and then they gave us the phone number, i guess this guy's phone should have been blocked.
One thing i did not understand is that they gave 2 different dates to attempt the record in Dublin one on the 18th of June and the other on the 19th, it would have been better one day with all the people in it, right? it would have been doubled! On Saturday we were 3567 beating Corks record holder of 2500 wallies and on Sunday the record was broken again with more than 3800 wallies!
One thing i did not understand is that they gave 2 different dates to attempt the record in Dublin one on the 18th of June and the other on the 19th, it would have been better one day with all the people in it, right? it would have been doubled! On Saturday we were 3567 beating Corks record holder of 2500 wallies and on Sunday the record was broken again with more than 3800 wallies!
All around the media it was very confusing, they talked about Sunday attempt and pictures and videos of Saturday were posted, actually i would say that there was much more coverage on Saturday. It was easy to spot because on Sunday it did not rain and hell yeah when we were there it rained cats and dogs!!! My poor mum lived the true Irish experience!! I have to say that i'm really proud of her,not any 66-old mum would be standing for an hour and a half surrounded by thousands of wallies and in the rain! She also had a good time ! Even if you don't believe me , i have a bit of fobia of crowded places, so the way i handled so many people was , being in the first row and not looking back!!
It was very well organized and at the end of it , we could get out easily, there were many volunteers helping and it has been easy to find photos of the event posted by the championship of world performers. One thing i'm disappointed of is the rip-off of the Irish times when they said that they would put a poster of the record, they only put a cropped photo of Sunday event and no mention of Cork attempt or Saturday..,after all the propaganda..boooo Irish times...
Well I leave you now with some photos of the event, for those who did not want to spend 12 euros on the outfit or for those who did not manage to register, i'm sorry for you.. this is truly an unforgettable experience..
A summary of all our dances in the rain !! If you look for the blue jacket dancing "singing in the rain" ,totally worth it!
on the tv in Brasil:
Dancing we are the champions:
and more photos in case you haven't had enough:
It was very well organized and at the end of it , we could get out easily, there were many volunteers helping and it has been easy to find photos of the event posted by the championship of world performers. One thing i'm disappointed of is the rip-off of the Irish times when they said that they would put a poster of the record, they only put a cropped photo of Sunday event and no mention of Cork attempt or Saturday..,after all the propaganda..boooo Irish times...
Well I leave you now with some photos of the event, for those who did not want to spend 12 euros on the outfit or for those who did not manage to register, i'm sorry for you.. this is truly an unforgettable experience..
A summary of all our dances in the rain !! If you look for the blue jacket dancing "singing in the rain" ,totally worth it!
on the tv in Brasil:
Dancing we are the champions:
and more photos in case you haven't had enough:
Gracias mam'a, Raquel y Andresillo por seguirme la corriente en mis locuras!
Jaja qué chulo Belén!! espero que nadie acabara con un constipado de verdad... Un besito, Lucía
lucia una flipada!!! el año que viene creo q lo hacen otra vez, así q vente pa caaa!! yo no me resfrié al final pero raquel con un catarrazo que no veas...
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