To be honest i was not in the mood to write a about this comedy just after it finished last Wednesday at the Docklands theatre in Dublin. I needed some time to think about it, Was it that bad? why i didn't laugh all the way as promised? Well after 4 days i haven't changed my mind. They even wrote that Ronan Keating may show up for a performance, he could have.. honestly to save the day..at least someone who could sing could have come up on stage! We were very disappointed due to different reasons, let me start. Firstly, they could have exploited much more the differences between North and South Dublin , instead this "comedy" had a very poor plot with no so clever dialogues and very poor singing. Secondly, i didn't know it was supposed to be a musical , too was their bad singing supposed to be funny?? because it was annoying!!. To be fair out of the 8 actors only 2 were kind of o.k., the rest specially the girl who pretended to be a Northsider and her mum , gee somebody should have thrown them a bucket of water! When I wrote "pretended to be" was exactly because of that these 2 could not imitate well the Northside accent and it was replaced by annoying shouting and swearing, you could tell that they were from the South side,no doubt about that. I think that out of the 2 hours we were at the theater i only laughed once when the Southsider guy playing the assistant of the exaggerated posh Southsider actress told her to "fuck off" lol i actually wanted to tell her the same because she was fking annoying!!
To be fair the Southsiders played a better role maybe because they were just playing them selves on stage lol not sure. I'm just glad we went with a city deal offer because tickets were not cheap and i felt sorry for the guys who actually paid the exact fare and the theater was almost full.
If you ask me if the rest of the audience liked it, well it's simple to see if a theatre play is successful or not, just check the way people applaude when the play is over. In this case , i felt like people were clapping just for the sake of it and of course for a very short amount of time and with low intensity and only once! They didn't go back to stage and believe me Irish audience is an enthusiastic one ,if they like something they shout , applaude heavily ,anything! It was even embarrasing when some of the actors/actresses ended up singing a song sometimes people clapped sometimes only one person clapped and when it was awful nobody clapped lol. I'm still confuse of the message whoever did the script of this comedy was and yeah the producers were supposed to be good because they had a smash hit with a play called "one night in Istanbul", well maybe next time these producers should choose better with more imagination to write the scripts and better actors!!!
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