Anthony Hopkins is such a great actor that again , he didn't disappoint us, he is specially good playing the evil roles..and i this movie he is an exorcist priest (hell, yeah!!). I have to say that exorcist's movies are not my kind of movie that I usually watch but this time, Andres chose it so I made the effort. I have to say that the parts, I could actually look at the screen (was not looking most of it lol), were very well done. It's actually an interesting topic and the mixture of devil, and church is actually scary! The movie is set in Rome, it was beautiful to see Rome again and gee, get ready to see the devil inside Hopkins!! He really convinced my left eye when i opened it once lol the other was still closed! The film is not so scary as the original film of the exorcist, there are a couple of moments when you even laugh but gee, the rest you are just waiting to see what happens. It's a film with good actors in it, good story and for brave-hearts who like to suffer in the cinema .. I, personally prefer feeling other kind of emotions but I recommend it for exorcists lovers, you will definitely be entertained!!! Last but not least, you will learn Italian as all the devil possessed are Italians and even Hopkins spoke in Italian in the movie!NOt sure about the message they tried to convey there: The Americans "the saviours" and the Italians the evil ones!
I'm also glad because i have discovered another hot Irish young actor: Colin O'Donoghue,from count Louth, he is beautiful ,if all priests looked like him, i'd go more often to Church!
Last but not least, for those who are thinking of downloading this film (hackrs buuuu!!..) don't!! You have to see it in the cinema and of course in the original version!
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