I wanted to recommend you all a webpage i discovered by chance last week (and at the same time a good book!), they offer at the moment great discounts on books and the best feature is that postage is free around the world!! To give you an example I bought 3 books of digital photography by Scott Kelby for 23 euros (all of them) and if i wanted to buy one book only in a bookshop in Ireland (eason,for example),only one book (the same one i bought) costed me 19 euros! I also checked other pages online like eBay and the same three books costed me 30 euros + 10 postage =40 euros (almost double!), similar price in Amazon! The books I bought are brand new and I have received them within 5 working days!
If you want to have a look check: http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/?a_aid=bworm
This webpage is also specially good for those who need books in English and do not live in an English speaking country.
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