<" Papa? C'omo se escribe "biutiful"? hijo, as'i como suena "b-i-u-t-i-f-u-l"> a harsh film directed by Mexican Alejandro Gonzalez I., among other of his great movies you can find "babel" or "Amores Perros". The main protagonist of "Biutiful" does not need an introduction : Javier Bardem, there is no role too strong for him, he can impersonate any character and, Jesus!! Uxbals role is not an easy one to play,B
ardem to me you are one of the best actors IN THE WORLD! (Oscar from me to you!!Not surprised that you got the award for the best actor in Cannes!).
There is one famous idiom that sas "Reality can be stranger and tougher than fiction", this film is a good example of it. I wish it was fiction but when you see it, you know it tackles a reality that some people hide and others do not want to see. "Biutiful" is about the mafia of illegal immigrants in Barcelona, what lies behind, corruption (involving the police), money that costs lives of innocent people that only want to make a living to send money back to their countries r even to survive.
This film does not make a good propaganda of Barcelona and actually it doesn't even look like Barcelona at all ( I agree , Filip with you on this)! it's an underworld of explotation and misery that can be seen in many places in Europe. In these surroundings lives Uxbal, a man between the Good and the Bad who also has to support his 2 kids and bipolar wife. If you go and see this film, bring some tissues with you, I remember one scene i couldn't stop crying and it was when his older daughter asked him if he was o.k... gee and i didn't have any tissue with me (also when Uxbal found "Lilly" in the basement with the other 24..)!! f.c.k.!! and there was absolute silence throughout the movie..you couldn't hear a sound. When it ended i felt like buying all the cds to immigrants on the streets (i needed to go to Barcelona or Madrid for that, we don't have this in Ireland) and I even met a Chinese guy on our way home and i felt like giving him a hug. I suffered with Bardem all the way.., his little son also played an excellent part. Loved the end.. father and daughter.. and then him and his father.. (by the way, his father was a hottie!!who is this actor??where does he live ??lol). and what do you tell me about Bardem's wife in the movie? geeee, fucking nuts!! poor kids!! And what about the nightclub in Barcelona that they show? gee tits everywhere!!
I have one question to those of you who have seen it: "what was the story with Uxbal talking to the dead?" did he really have a gift???"I think it's a pity not to speak Spanish to be able to enjoy this film fully, reading subtitles in English is not the same but still is worth going,people!! Only make sure you are very happy that day and that you don't want to go out later or anything!
This film will change a part inside you,it will leave a mark , it has a clear message to deliver "please stop explotation, everybody has the right to have dignity in life no matter the race!!"
Next movie on my list: The Fighter! Can't wait to see it!