I have to agree with rotten tomatoes review that this last movie of the saga Twlight won´t win new adepts to the saga, only people like me who wanted to see more of the love story between Edward and Bella ,which started in previous Twilight movies, will enjoy the film. Bella has the difficult decision to choose between the super hot teenager " Jacob", belonging to the wolves tribe ( a bit hairy when he turns into a wolf,not of my liking..)and Edward, a more mature guy, a vampire, with gorgeous hair whose reflection can be seen in the mirror and enjoys the daylight(upps! a mistake¿ or new vampire themé?). The plot of the movie is not strong enough and I´d say that dialogues suck,too they were so simple that made me laugh lol to give you one example when topless Jacob tells Edward " let´s face it, you are not hotter than me" what a big truth! or when Edward says in relation to Jacob: "doesnt he have a t-shirt?" and yes, you guessed it, Jacob is topless most of the movie, pure sex object! don´t you love it? Thank you movie script writers for this,for once,one hot topless guy in a movie and not a stupid hot female bimbo showing her tits all the time!. Also not very fashionable , Edward´s vampire tradition to be a virgin until he marries Bella, not sure if I was bella if would have chosen him , I think the wolf Jacob was a bit more modern. What happened to Copola´s Dracula ? Twilight created a new version of vampire, high-school hot teens in jeans, with beautiful eyes living on the mountatins and without coffins or people following them with crosses and garlics to kill them.
Last thing to mention, if you go to see this movie, you have to know what you are going to see, as I did, I went mostly to see the chemistry between Bella and Edward and to see beautiful Jacob and some vampire fights and this just what i got, nothingelse! I was entertained and I have to admit, if there is a 4th movie of the saga, i´ll be there, maybe to see a vampire-mortal wedding??? or Edwards clan fighting?? or Jacob topless again!!!
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