I usually agree with the rotten tomatoes movie score but not on this occassion giving the critics lovely bones 33%, I however, agree more with the 66% score of the rotten tomatoes community. I didn´t have high expectations and I had actually heard contradictory comments before watching this adaptation of Alice Seabold´s novel.Mistakenly, I thought it was going to be a horror movie of a murdered child coming back and scaring everyone but how wrong I was! I was positively surprised by the beauty of the story and inbetween colourful and creative world where the murdered teenager,Surie, is trapped watching her family and murderer.After having seen previously the young actress of Irish origin, Saoirse Ronan, in another beautiful movie "Attonement", I could appreaciate her development in her career and undoubtely, she deserved her oscar nomination. I am not going to tell you anythingelse and I´m going to finish with one quote from the novel Lovely Bones taken from wikipedia " These were the lovely bones that had grown around my absence: the connections — sometimes tenuous, sometimes made at great cost, but often magnificent — that happened after I was gone. And I began to see things in a way that let me hold the world without me in it..."
If you have a chance to see this movie , I recommend it..
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