If you want to live the typical Spanish culture from the South with beautiful women in fashionable Spanish Flamenco dresses on nice Spanish horses with Flamenco music in the background surrounded by people of all ages having fun, dancing, drinking good and affordable Spanish wine, eating tapas in the known " casetas" ,all with free entrance (only a couple are private), you should go to my city in the last week of May (the Feria es every year around the same time). What are you waiting for? the closest airport is Málaga and then you can take a train for 15 euros and you will be in my city in one hour.
It´s high season in Córdoba so if you are thinking of going , you should book it all in advanced, if you are on a budget the youth hostel in Córdoba is very nice and centrical at the heart of the jewish quarter. There are many "hostales" around the same area with nice SPanish patios for an affordable price, too like the "hostal maestre". Once in Córdoba you can have excellent food for nice prices and you can go on foot to most of the tourist places. Don´t miss the "Mezquita" (unique and magnicifient!) and try out the best Spanish tortilla tapas for a bit more of an euro in the bar "Santos" just in front of the "mezquita". Take also into account that Córdoba is one of the hottest and sunniest cities in Spain, in May the temperature can be of 30 or 32 grades! so leave the umbrella at home and bring your sun glasses or shorts!
I´ll be there this year enjoying it in my Flamenco dress! For those of you who have not been to my city yet, May is the perfect time, we have parties all month long: Wine testing fair, "the Spanish patios fair" and the flower May crosses fair ! so pack your bags and go to the beautiful Andalucian city full of Arabic influence of : Córdoba
We will come to Cordoba by train on the 29th. Is there any program? I would like to get some more info about the Feria. I do'nt speak Spanish, but can understand a little bit.
Thanks to reply.
Karen (from Holland)
Hi Karen,
I guess the best thing to do is to contact the tourist information web page, they have an email and should be able to let you know if there is a programme that you can upload on the internet http://english.turismodecordoba.org/esta-semana.cfm?codigo=0550&titnoticia=The%20Cordoba%20Fair%20-%2021st%20to%2029th%20May%202010,if not you should be able to find one once you get to Cordoba. The 29th is the last day of the fair and it will be very busy so dont waste a minute, you can also get good and cheap food and wine in the feria and take into account that many shops and museums etc have special timetable for the feria and may be closed in the afternoon like the famous "MEzquita" (you can´t leave Cordoba without seeing it!)! bring along a short Spanish phrase book because not many people speak good English in the South of Spain although they will try !
Unfortunately i dont live in Cordoba at the moment so from here i dont have more info at hand,im afraid..I hope you enjoy the stay in my city!
You don't need any program!. Follow the people.... they know where to go... A tip. If you want spanish fashion go to a shop named Varole en calle (street) Moreria 8 They offerd discounts during the Feria and a glass of wine. (it belongs tu my boyfriend, jejejee). karen
Thanks for the info.
I will be in Sevilla for a week, we have been there already but any suggestions/tips would be appreciated.
nope, sorry i dont know sevilla very well...
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