I got to know this mentally skilled wooden game : Jenga, through my cousin, Inma in Fuengirola. We started playing in a pub and after it, we actually bought one four ourselves. "Jenga" come from the swahili and means "to build" , this game was created by LEslie Scott in the 70ies and it can be played from 1 to 5 people. I´m still learning how not to destroy the wooden tower after a few tries , it´s all a matter of seeing what piece will not destroy the balance of the tower you have built (of course , this is the perfect alcohol test, it should be used on the roads!!). Only one hand can be used. If you want to discover more.. you will need to come to my place and i´ll show it to you!!or you can look for my cousin in Southern Spain!! lol
and remember you can only use some fingers of one hand! no cheating!
Here the cousin! aqui la prima desde el sur. Me ha hecho mucha ilusion leer este post,y ademas he aprendido mucho sobre el juego. Muchas gracias por mandarme a un moton de irlandeses ludopatas para aca ( jeje) muakak!
esa prima !!! esa prima!! ue,ue!! que arte!!!ya te mandaré un albúm de fotos d yenga q estamos haciendo con construcciones diversas (mi marioh que tiene mucha imaginación!)
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