8 Jahren ohne mein Vater
8 años sin mi padre
My father taught me to be an independent woman , to fight against unfairness and to assist others when needed. He had strong values and really believed in his ideas and fought for them. He followed his will and raised 5 daughters together with my mother. 8 years without you, Dad and I feel you very close. I wish you were here and i could tell you so many things. I hope you can read from wherever you are now, the 4page-publication i sent to my family in tribute to you. Every year i´ll write to keep you alive among us. In the end, my hope is that internet gets everywhere even to the other life ,im sure you are enjoying!
I´ll share with oyu only a few words I wrote about him in Spanish, the rest is only for my family:
Una gran pérdida para todos
Fue muy duro para mí al igual que para toda la familia, hacerme a la idea de que iba a tener que vivir sin su gran apoyo .. ¿Qué iba a hacer yo sin mi padre? , me preguntaba .Su fallecimiento fue devastador para todos/as nosotros/as
A día de hoy creo que no he superado su ida de este mundo terrenal. Fui débil y preferí huir de los recuerdos y marcharme con mi maleta de 20 kilos a Alemania.No pasa un día que no me acuerde de ti, papá . Tu legado sigue vivo en la casa de la Cultura de Palma del Río y en el corazón de tu familia...
Hab dich Lieb
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