Quick overview of my 2011, thanx to the 111 articles I have written in my blog this year that helps me to remember! Let´s start with : 42 movies seen in the cinema in 2011 which means an average of 3.5 movies per month. Being the film "Blue valentine" the first one we have seen and ending with "New years eve", curiously enough, I did not like neither the first movie nor the last one i have seen this year!. Among my favorite movies of the year: Black swan,The fighter,beautiful,the skin i live in,in time,source code and the king´s speech.
It has also been a musical year, with the attendance of 12 concerts; among our favorite ones: Lighthouse family, glee, The coronas,maroon 5 ,kylie minogue and George michael.
We have also attended 10 shows in Dublin going from theatre, musicals,ballet and comedy club. Starting 2011 with "the lido show" in paris and ending in style with The nutcracker ballet at the convention centre. Great way of beginning and ending the year.
One of my new year resolution in 2011 was to travel around the world and yeah, i fulfilled this one taking into account that I only have 22 days of holidays per year( Otherwise, i would have travelled more lol): We started the year in beautiful Paris, then we went on with the Carnival of Venice ,verona and vicenza, then in April to the Caribe: Aruba; in May I wore my new flamenco outfit in :Cordoba. Then we travelled to the UK to Manchester;then to Trim (in Ireland)following with :Poland (herbert's wedding)in October to the Cannary island of Fuerteventura (paradise!) and we are ending this year and welcoming 2011 in Colombia!. In a nutshell : 8 different countries, 9 different trips.
Some Highlights of the year for me: where is wally wolrd guiness record in dublin with my mum dressed as wally,too!! My best friend wedding Herbert in Poland ; It has been a year of photography with at least 5.400 photos taken, all started when I bought my frist dslr camera nikon 3100,attending three diff photography courses and meeting my photography teacher Dave Mccane,he has inspired me all the way through!
It has been a year of jumps which has also inspired me to create a new blog collecting my jumps http://goaheadjumpjump.wordpress.com/ , this year i have discovered the technique of levitation. Going to the carnival of venice with my good friend Matteo,Helena and andresillo. My sister's marilis visit with my niece and nephew to Dublin. My first trip to a race course in Ireland; the Trip to Aruba and ending the year in Colombia seeing Andresillo so happy makes me happy too,i feel very welcome here,thanx! Last highlight of the year for me would be the ebay summer party at the gibson hotel and the xmas ebay party at the Guiness storehouse.
Of course, I only want to remember the highlights of the year, all the lowlights will be erased from my memory (such as : being robbed for the first time in Poland or stress at work), I happen to have a very strong relationship that helps me through in my life and I do hope in 2012 I´ll be able to overcome all the obstacles life has ready for us! One has to take the positive side of everything and this is my motto for 2012 , too!