From 2nd of January 2011 , Spain is finally going to join other European countries such as Ireland (that was the pioneer!), Italy, Germany, Uk or France and smoking is going to be banned in most indoor public places (bars, discotecs and restaurants) . It has not been an easy decision after an unsuccessful partial-smoking ban was introduced in 2006 which many bars failed to comply with. I only hope businesses get strict and make smokers respect this law because it has been too many years already of passive smokers suffering the consequences of this bad habit of smoking. Only in Spain in 2010 , five hundred thousand people have died due to smoking and still this is not enough to put off some smokers. ME, as a passive smoker who has suffered this bad habit since i was a teenager, I would have loved to be able to be at my university cafeteria having a coffee without having a dry throat or itchy eyes! Let's not talk about going out to clubs ..,next day you can feel the smoke in your hair, skin and clothes! Don't get me wrong if you want to be a smoker and you are happy with shortening your life and dying of lung cancer even though your cigarette packages are warning you of that , fair play with what but with what i don't agree with, is that smokers do not only put their health at risk but others, too who have chosen not to smoke. I feel sorry for the business who invested in their premises to have smoking and non-smoking areas (this is the government fault for putting a partial ban, with smoke only a full ban works!), they should be remunerated. It's not going to be easy for Spaniards to take on board this law and it's also up to the public to make it respected (I'll believe me if I see anyone smoking in a non-smoking area)! Spanish non-smokers friend that had to put up with the smoke, this is going to change! and believe me, smokers will get used to it and going outside for a smoke is not that bad after all, i'm sure many smokers will quit when they have to go in the cold weather to have a fag! but no worries according to the government there are still going to be some hotels with smokers bedrooms..in the end, you get something!
My last post of this year is about something positive and good for the coming generations ,such as my nephews and nieces! A smoke free atmosphere!!! and to my smokers friends : NEW YEARS RESOLUTION QUIT SMOKING!! Do you know how much money you would save and how much better your skin and teeth would look like! and what about having a fresh breath all day long??!! think about it!! Dejar de fumar ya, leche!!