Yesterday on channel 4 I watched an interesting documentary on the first beauty contest for little girls in UK, U.s. Style.
I still have on my mind little aged nine Madison whose mother forced her to play part in the contest. She was actually very beautiful but you could tell that she was not enjoying it at all, her mother used her to satisfy her own amibitions. When the little Madison didn´t win her older sister,Lea, started crying with despair but not because of Madison but because she taught her her dance coreography and wanted to get some personal reward out of it all, as well,what a family!!. Poor little Madison who tried to let her mother know that she didn´t like to have so much make-up on (unnutural for a 9 year old, she looked like a little prostitue to me) and that horrible pink princess-like dress. Madison in the rehearsal didnt smile and her mother shouted at her "smile,smile" . On the day of the contest, Madison smiled all the way through ,she actually looked like a psycho kid due to her forced fake smile!!
I dont have kids but if had them i wouldn´t put them under so much stress ,what kind of values are those beauty contest kids going to acquire? that you have to be beautiful ,have fake tan,wear make-up and smile to make money and be happy? those kind of contests present beauty as a talent but who said being beuatiful is actually a talent?
Ayer tuve el placer de ver el musical de annie que me trajo muchos recuerdos de niña cuando veia el musical original de 1977 en la tele. Una de mis partes favoritas era cuando todas las huerfánas cantaban "what a hardknock life (no aguanto más ) " mientras limpiaban el suelo del orfanato.
La historia de la huerfána peliroja annie se desarolla en la depresión de los 70 en Nueva York,incluso ella llega a conocer al presdiente Rusbell.
El teatro estaba lleno de niños y familias y la verdad es que habia veces que se oía más al público que el musical en sí. Del reparto he de destacar la profesionalidad y calidad de voz de las 7 niñas que protagonizaban el musical y la simpatía de la cuidadora del horfanato "Miss Hannigan". La alegría y musicalidad de las canciones hace que una vez más la magía del espectáculo le haga a uno relajarse y pasar un buen rato. El argumento de la historia original está adapatado para un público infantil ya que modificaron la parte donde los padres impostores consiguen llevarse a Annie.
Me quedo con el buen sabor de boca de la canción "tomorrow" (mañana) que cantamos todos junto con el reparto del musical.
Aquí os dejo con un video de mi parte favorita como comentaba antes:
Ayer en una reunión de amigos en nuestro apartamento nos echamos unas risas viendo un recopilatorio de momentos tenientes de el programa del canal cuatro de Pablo motos "el hormiguero". Lo que ellos denomnan "momento teniente (teniente -> una persona que no oye bien) es cuando oyes una canción en otro idioma y te parece escuchar una frase en español claramente. La simpatía y carisma de Pablo hace inevitable el no pasar un buen rato.
Espero que lo disfrutéis tanto como yo :
por cierto, gracias Luisa por introducirme al mundo de los momentos tenientes! jajaja ahora soy mucho más feliz los domingos por las mañanas!! mi faovrito es el de las banda sonoras de moulin rouge " ana que te has fumao" jajaj lo veréis en el video de arriba! enjoy!
Tuesday evening at around 20.30 , Ne-yo appears with a black hat,dressed in a white jacket and in black trousers singing, he mentioned Michael Jackson, a flash-back of him came when I saw him on stage. You could see Michael´s influence on Ne-yo throughout the concert, the way he danced and the way he sang had many of Michael´s touches. The first song of the night " because of you", agitated teens, groups of single girls ,mothers with their daughters and some couples like us. Fans screamed loudly aclaming their idol, us in the middle dancing and feeling a bit old,i have to admit, i would have loved to see a grandma there lol. Ne-yo didn´t dissapoint me , he has such a rhythm, the way he moves his body is very appealing and sexy. He knows he is hot and some of the female fans threw their bras at him and he responded with a smile, you could tell that most of his songs have been inspired by women and to some extent the concert was very much dedicated to us "women"!!. The band that Ne-yo had consisted of 6 musicians playing different instruments, they played an in important part at the concert, around 4 female dancers and 2 male ones accompanied Ne-yo. In one of the songs, Ne-yo sang it with a black well-built dancer and it reminded me of Michael Jackson´s video where he walks along with a girl on the street and he followed her "the way you make me feel". Ne-yo´s elegance and friendliness talking to the audience conquered us and the O2 acoustics made it sound like a cd, I couldn´t tell the difference ! not any bad note coming from Ne-yo. After 2 hours of good music and rhythm, the concert ended with one of my favourite songs "closer". Ne-yo´s music made me forget about the stress and routine, it´s unbeliavable the power that a good concert can have,don´t you think? that´s what I love about takes you to another level. The melody was broken by the shouting street merchants trying to sell counterfeit merchandise outside the o2,of course they had many clients since a ne-yo t-shirt costs 30 euros! i finish this humble review with a short video of us enjoying the concert
Para leer mi artículo en español sobre el mismo concierto lo podéis ver en el blog de mi amigo Matteo:
For those of you who still do not know this successful rock band from Dublin, i wanted to introduce you to the talented "the script", a trio band that stated that as kids instead of leading a trouble life they decided to focus on music. THeir debut single "we cry" was released in april 2008 and from them on their success didn´t stop them. I discovered them at a very famous cd shop in Dublin "hmv" i heard one f their songs "the man who can´t be moved" and since them i have become a fan as well! Ireland has given birth to great bands, there is live music in every corner and this is one of the things i like most from this country. If you want to see them live your next opportunity could be at the festival "oxygen " or at the U2 concert in Dublin this summer.
you can listen to their first hit :
our visit their web page:
By the way if you lok at their cd cover closely, you will see the typicl chimeneys from Dublin! they are really proud of their Irish origins!
YOu may be or not be a big fan of Michael Jackson but what is undeniable is that leaving aside his private and controversial life,being white or black, Michael was a great artist. He was an icon and inspiration for many musicians , he created style with his dance moves ,hats and clothing. I grew up with his scary and unforgettable video thriller, my older sister used to play very loud his music when i was very little. Then I grew up and I bought for myself my first record " bad" ,i loved it from beginning to end! It´s a pity that pop legends like him vanished from our world and people who can´t nor sing nor dance are considered kings or queens of pop nowadays...
To remember Michael with smile you may want ot see this imitation video of Bad that was very famous at that time
This my small tribute Michael, i hope you read it wherever you are! Michael died on the 26th of June 2009