Where is your cell phone? Dont know lol
Your hair colour? brownish
Your father? Passed away but is present in all moments of my life
Your favorite thing? My laptop
Your dream last night? Komissarin Frau FLöttete (long story..)
Your favorite drink? Coke!
Your dream/goal? to be remembered ...,for good reasons only! Of course!
The room you are in? My sitting room
Your fear? failure
Where do you want to be in 6 years? In my own house with heating and no knackers around..
Muffins? No thanks!
One of your wish list items? blackberry
Where you grew up? Córdoba
The last thing you did? Shopping in mark and spencer!
What are you wearing? eBay fleece..
Your TV? off
Your pets? Cat but in Spain!
Your computer? On,always on!
Your life? Heftig ; agitada!
Your mood? good but tired!
Missing someone? My family
Your car? Dont like cars
Favorite store? HMV
Your summer? Summer in ireland? Doesn´t exist..
Your favorite colour? Violet and black
When is the last time you laughed? A few minutes ago at the bus stop
Last time you cried? Yesterday in the cinema!
Three of my favorite foods? Lentils,mushrooms,chicken!
Three places I would rather be right now? My home town, Cartagena de Indias,Munich!
now it´s your turn, do you want to reply to the same queries? dont be lazy do copy and paste in the comment part and give it a go!!