Last Monday after 3 attempts I managed to see the
Cohen´s brothers movie "burn after reading". Spite of the fact that I was not a big fan of"Country for no men", I wanted to give the Cohen´s brothers another chance and I have to say that I dont regret it. Another reason I wanted to go to see the movie was that my supervisor did not like it at all. Then I thought to myself: "uhm it must be a good movie..". This may not be a valid reason to you but it was a valid one for me and I was actually right!
There are many aspects of the current globalized way of life that Cohen´s made fun of as the "fitness business, the automatized call centre voices until you get to a human agent, the obssesion with beauty o.p.s, the C.I.A., the online dating etc
The fitness trainer is portrayed by Brad Pitt, he is the perfect example of ignorance and stupidity. He is so funny and played it so well that you may think that he is a silly absurd guy after all! His work colleague Linda Litzke (Frances McDormand) also plays an excellent role being a bit more reasonable and sharp than her co-worker.
I loved Malkovich anger in the movie with his "fuck,fuck,fucking moron!!" and the main C.I.A. guy where they report all that is happening is hilarious as well, specially when he admits that everything makes no sense and that they should report to him when it does.
I admit that I´m not a big follower of George Clooney but he also managed to make me laugh.
This movie it´s not a typical Cohen´s one but still you can see a subtle bloody touch.
To my mind, the 90 minutes the film lasted was not enough, I was left thirsty for more witty dialogues about a Life where you mirror yourself some times.
I´m definetly going to watch it again! you haven´t seen it yet?? then go and see it!