I´m lost for words to express what a great charismatic man Paul Newman was: actor, politican,business man and car race driver. He had it all! I fall in love with his astonishing deep blue eyes when my mother introduced me to some his movies such as "Swee birth of youth" or "Cat on a hot Tin roof"or the famous "the long hot summer". I started to admired him since then, I was only a kid and I put a big poster of him in my bedroom. My friends didnt even know who he was as he was not a "teen"of my era but of my mother´s! Cancer closed Paul´s sweet eyes forever last Friday and I wanted to pay him a little tribute in my blog with these lines and a picture of him with his beloved wife (married to her since 1958 until he died). We stil have "Paul newman´s sauces for salads and his movies to keep him alive in our memories somehow! Adios Paul espero que estés descansando en paz y que tu familia no lo esté pasando my mal.