Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova won the oscar for the best original song with "falling slowly". I was so glad when I watched when they got the oscar. A very low-budget movie that they did only in 17 days ,a love story , all set in Dublin where I live. This movie really touched me because it shows a reality of immigrants from different countries struggling to make a living in Ireland.
Javier Bardem won the oscar for the best supporting actor! wow! He really deserved it. In my opinion, he did not win the oscar only for "no country,no men" but for all his wonderful career. I have to say that the movie "No country for no men" was not one of my favourites. I didnt like it at all, I actually walked out the cinema in the middle of the movie. It was blood all over the place for no reason without a strong plot behind it. Javier did very well his role but still the movie was cheap"killing and blood for no reason" . I like movies that tell a story.Anyway, I was very excited when he dedicated his oscar to my country! we all won it with him!
Another movie I loved was "La vie in Rose", it deals about the dramatic life of Edit Piaff. Marion Cotillard won the Oscar and she did deserve it!!at the end of the movie you really believe in her role!she had the main protagonist role: edit piaff ! I even thought that she was fucking ugly as her personage but no!!she is bloody beautiful!!
Last but not least, one of the best movies I watched last year was the Austrian movie "the counterfeiters" where it showed the first biggest "counterfeit" operation in history. It took place in a World War II concentration camp and it was run by a jewish "under the Nazies instructions"!. They won the oscar for the best foreign movie!well done guys!
This year I agreed with most of the oscar prizes, I was only a bit disappointed because attornement did not win any oscars and this was a very beautiful movie.
You can tell that I love the cinema!
This is my little overview of the Oscars night, what is yours?